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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Not every Link has to look the same. Pink hair Link happens to be one of my favourites!
  2. Come on, Ricky! This game needs more boxing Kangaroos! (I'm totally expecting a Goron/Zora character though)
  3. Please, please, please. @lostmario can we please have one of the N-E League theme nights be a Mercedes night. I suggest the character should be the Mii. I mean, who else to drive a real-life car than yourself? (Assuming we get it for free)
  4. Missed the opportunity to make a Sonic reference there... If custom moves make me actually decent with characters I completely suck with. (I'm looking at you, Diddy!) Then I'm all for it! It'll add a cool new strategic spin on Random Stage, Random character fights. (Yes, I do that. Yes, it's loads of fun. Especially when someone gets a character they hate)
  5. I finally got around to uploading all my Time Trials online. So, you know, if anyone wants to give beating my time a go... (Also, hoping to prove that my performances in the league aren't just flukes. But tomorrow will show whether that's true or not)
  6. The amount of Fox in that video makes me want to go shoot myself. I'm glad they forced the invitational players to choose different characters. Because you can't deny about 75% of them would have chosen Fox.
  7. Because competitive players never use items! I'm pretty sure I'm not even joking. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if that's the actual reason.
  8. Yeah, it is. Although it depends on whether you go for the sidequests or not. (I wouldn't bother going for the sidequests in chapter 5. Chapter 6 and onwards, maybe...)
  9. I thought the website was one massive marketing campaign? BTW, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but there's a page detailing the customisation aspects on the official website. http://www.smashbros.com/en-uk/howto/entry2.html Seems that Palutena has completely different moves to choose from instead of move variations. Quite clever considering she fights with Uprising Item Powers.
  10. I can think of a more awesome battle... Get hit by that book, and it's instant death!
  11. Awesome news, this game is getting more and more awesome over time!
  12. I like CoM precisely because it isn't really like Kingdom Hearts. Plus, you can't deny the FMV at the start has some of the most impressive GBA visuals out there. That is a GBA screenshot! I'm still astonished that the console didn't explode!
  13. I think you're thinking of Radiata Stories? I'm talking about this glorious masterpiece of DS RPG goodness!
  14. Ouch, harsh... I mean, I've played Sonic Chronicles, I know bad RPG's!
  15. I've played Kindom Hearts 1, 2, 358/2 days, Dream Drop Distance and Chain of Memories (GBA) They're OK in my opinion. But it really does say a lot that Chain Of Memories is by far my favourite KH. That and Dream Drop Distance are the only ones I would say I "like". It keeps drawing me back. Curse my Disney filled childhood! TWEWY I remember having a bloody confusing combat system. But so many people like it, I feel like I owe it a second chance. Final Fantasy 8 is next on my list, when I'm in the mood. You see, my first Final Fantasy was 1 & 2 on GBA. I've played every single one up to 7 for the first time in order, so I'm keeping it like that. (Except for 11, because online, you know?)
  16. Fair point, but I quickly realised that elemental weapons are not worth the hassle and just never used them, made things way easier. That's a shame. Because the combat really shines during the late-game optional bosses. Some of them are geniuinely difficult and had me rethinking my entire strategy. (Until I discovered the team build I use now) Oh man, where do I start?
  17. Isn't that kinda like saying they used Super Mario Bros as a template for Super Mario Bros. 3?
  18. I love RPG's! Probably my favourite genre in gaming. The complaints about the second half of the game are founded. It's a very clever concept, but it was executed poorly.
  19. I'm telling you all. F-Zero was a figment of our imaginations. As if the Gamecube could have a game that looks that good with that frame rate...
  20. Seems I heard right. I also think that you are WRONG AND FALSE AND BAD! OK, yeah. As far as battles go, it's pretty bleh. But I don't care. It's so swag, it's been a part of my main team since 3rd gen. It's that cool! Anyway... Some of my favourite WiiU games are 2D. OK, NSMBU is a bit bland, but NSLU is probably my favourite Mario platformer ever! Donkey Kong is sublime. And Yarn Yoshi and Kirby have me hyped. (Are we counting Smash Bros in this? There's a 2D game that's sure to sell a few WiiU's)
  21. I didn't say I don't like 2D games before anyone starts picking up on that. Then again, I think @Serebii and I have very different opinions on things in general. My favourite psychic Pokemon happens to be Grumpig. I've heard he's not exactly the biggest fan... (Love the site though, would be lost without all that glorious stat information)
  22. Funny that people are suddenly talking about this again... I'm playing it for the fifth time now, trying to speed-run it.
  23. Pfft! Seriously? What? Does it kill Pac-Man through the power of "Bad touch"?
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