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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. That Game Over music on Project Giant Robot is hilarious. Looks like good, silly fun!
  2. That's code for "I want this game but am too embarrassed to admit it. Everyone wants Captain Toad, even if they don't know it yet.
  3. Can I just point out how awesome Captain Toad looks? Something hilarious about how pathetic he is. Adds to the charm.
  4. All her moves are based on the items from Kid Icarus: Uprising. Her Final Smash, for example, uses Black Hole to trap opponents and hits them with a Mega Laser. I didn't think that would be how she'd fight, but I'm glad it is.
  5. Even Australia gets it before us? It only takes a week for everything to get BLOODY SPOILED! Can totally understand your anger. I'm with you on this.
  6. Care to elaborate? I'm kinda disappointed about how little Zelda we saw. But apart from that, I thought it was great. I'm a sucker for Smash. Palutena's moveset is bloody clever.
  7. I hate you @Zechs. I subconsciously read the first two letters in your little hint. My stupid brain very quickly worked it out based on that. I will have my revenge!
  8. May a torrent of blue shells rain upon anyone who dares to spoil it for everyone. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!
  9. Exactly. F-Zero is just a collective work of our imaginations that manifested in a character created solely for Smash Bros. In all seriousness, it's just a square for F-Zero not being mentioned... Again...
  10. My Ninty Bingo card is ready to go! Let's do this!
  11. Yeah, that was lame. Constant yawning from me.
  12. Man, I don't think you could be a kid in the 90's without laughing at Rik Mayall at some point. Genuinely upset about this.
  13. I know no-one is really doing E3 Bingo here, but I made this and it's come out so well, I had to share it! I'm ready to go!
  14. Awww. I knew it was gonna be fake, but a little part of me wanted it to be real just for Plessie and E.Gadd.
  15. Don't do this to me... I can't bear it. Seriously, playable Plessie would be totally awesome! (How the hell would that work, though?) I get the feeling if this was real, the photo wouldn't be taken hovering over DK. It'd be hovering over one of the actual meaningful characters. (Then again, that E.Gadd icon, if fake, is very well made)
  16. I would be up for a Layton assist trophy. He appears and makes everyone solve a puzzle. You fail, you die! (That's a terrible idea, I know) Stage is probably the best hope that series has.
  17. Anyway, am I the only one who is going to say it? Why in the world does Steven have a Mega Charizard X? Yes, I know he only appears to have one. But I still want to know why. I mean, I'm all for shaking up old champion teams, (assuming he IS the champion) but why? Didn't he have an Aggron? Why not that? Mega Mawile is a steel Pokemon from 3rd gen... Even Mega Lucario would be believable for Steven. NOPE! MEGA CHARIZARD X! HOO-BLOODY-RAH! While we're at it, why not give every champion one? No, wait. Not good enough. Have every champion have 6 of the bloody things! How epic would that be!? I blame Pokemon Origins for this. Wish the bloody thing was never made... I swear, if there's no Mega Kecleon in this, I'm gonna scream... (And a Mega Grumpig, but just because it's my favourite Psychic type. I use it on my team)
  18. Because what a frail Grass type needs is even MORE weaknesses! Sure, it loses the Fire Weakness, but it's got Dragon and Fairy to worry about! (And the aforementioned Ice double weakness) Hell, I wouldn't even need to use an Ice Pokemon to take it down. Any decent Ice move is going to totally own it. And with Poison moves actually being not complete crap, Sceptile is going to have a hard time here. And it doesn't even gain any new resistances. It just doubles resistance to Water, Electric and Grass. Big woop... Dragon typing was the last thing Sceptile needed. (Although it's nice to finally have a Grass/Dragon)
  19. Geez... This place got feral while I was away... That's my only issue with it as well. I know loads of people are getting disconnection issues, but I guess I've been lucky. I happen to think MK8 is among my favourite Mario Karts. Then again, I'm the kind of guy who thinks the original is one of the worst. There's a point in that game where computers just make it so unfun. You think they cheat now, but it's nothing compared to that. (I honestly don't understand the rage going on with Mushrooms, it's making me think that you guys aren't using them properly. I've overtaken about 5 dudes online from cutting corners with that. It's knowing when to use them and when to save them.)
  20. I've always thought Sceptile was underwhelming, period. So lame compared to Grovyle... Mega Swampert is so bloody hilarious! Like, Mega Manectric levels of hilarious! Definitely choosing Mudkip this time. Despite Grovyle being my favourite Grass Pokemon.
  21. Congratulations! You beat Mirror Mode!
  22. Speak for yourself. If this was real. I'd be all over this. I'd take it over another NSMB game any day. (I'm assuming it'd be a lot like Warioware: DIY with Mario levels)
  23. I tend to take anything pre-e3 with a humongous pinch of salt.
  24. Pleeease buy my new C.D!
  25. Bloody hell! They did not waste any time! Just when you think this couldn't become more of a thing.
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