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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Mario Kart Wii had 3 characters that could be unlocked through time trials.
  2. I actually use Time Trials to learn track layouts and practice shortcuts that require mushrooms and so on.
  3. This is why I always do 50/100 cc first. Get the easy stuff out of the way as quickly as possible.
  4. Since when were Yoshi's arms that long? That's really bugging me!
  5. That's setting yourself up for quite a fall if I do happen to perform better. Careful now... I shall represent the glory that is the Mii!
  6. Unless there's some customisation options, I always use the default name. It just feels weird otherwise.
  7. Congratulations, you got arguably the most unnecessary character in Mario Kart history, and that includes Honey Queen! I've decided to enter the N-E League. Should be fun!
  8. Sure, why not? But I'm warning you now. I don't have reliable internet connection where I live, and can only get my WiiU online when I leech off of my cousin's Wi-Fi. Each to his own and all that, but I played way better on Wii with the wheel than any other controller. So I'll still be bigging up the wheel. Hey look, I can see my avatar from here! (Also, you're making the unlucky ones jealous)
  9. Does the game still show whether someone is using the Wii Wheel or not? Because I use the Wii Wheel all the time! And I want everyone to know it.
  10. As someone who has 3-starred everything on 7 (I feel your pain!), I can't really agree. Sure, it helps a bit. But I still didn't use it consistently. But perhaps it'll be a case of "Don't know what you have until it's gone" for me. I can't really say much until I play the game for myself.
  11. It's kinda like old-school Mario Kart? Seriously, though. I can understand your frustration, but I never found myself looking at the bottom screen on DS or 7. So I guess I'm not gonna miss it.
  12. Actually, that's quite clever. I'm gonna do that as well. (Shame the one I already know would have been one epic surprise, but... *shrugs*)
  13. OK, that's it! Archer is the best Kirby ability ever! And I'm including all those abilities that only show up in final boss fights.
  14. That was a decent song. Nintendo really want people to buy this, huh? I actually saw an advert on T.V. for it yesterday. Imagine that. A WiiU game getting advertised on T.V. Amazing!
  15. Wait, does Camouflage make you invincible or something? Because I peppered every boss with fully charged shots and dash attacked through any attacks.
  16. What ability did you use to beat the True Arena? For me, it was Archer! Archer is so busted, it's hilarious!
  17. Well, that made me smile. My younger sister could play better than that, and she has no rhythm! That conference really was worse than I remember... Hilarious stuff. But I still stand by Wii Music. I sunk days into that and still think it doesn't deserve the searing rage it gets.
  18. I love how silly it looks! I'm actually hoping it's suited to my play style so I can use it and not suck. Here's a thought, maybe that Mercedes would make a good car for the Mii? I mean what better for a representation of you than a normal car?
  19. In Mario Kart DS. (And the Wii one if you get that hack thing)
  20. I will never understand the universal hatred Wii Music gets. Unless you've remixed a track using nothing but Beatboxers and a turntable. You are not allowed to have any say on whether it sucks or not.
  21. I love the idea of every character having a special chest opening animation! It reminds me of Deku Link having to actually jump into the chest.
  22. Glen-i


    Well, that was fun! If anything, it reminded me that this actually existed at one point. Completely forgot until this hoax came up.
  23. Oh my daze! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES! That alone would make me buy this game! It could be the most crap game in existence and I wouldn't care!
  24. Wow, seeing Link with actual proper armour seems so... dodgy. Is Impa doing that Samurai-like "Constantly sheathing and unsheathing the sword between every attack"? Because that would be pretty cool!
  25. Oh? So would that make it actually official?
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