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Everything posted by Nintendinosaur

  1. I remember a thread that stretched to about 80-odd pages in days, the one where that guy (can't remember his name) was gonna lose his virginity. Although that was probably a very N-Europe regulars thread, with plenty of posts but not many users.
  2. The only major events I can remember N-Europe having a massive audience for were the reveal of the new Doctor Who (Matt Smith), and also Derren Brown doing his lottery stunt. That went massive on this site, but doesn't tie in with the date.
  3. Anyone having troubles with Facebook? mine keeps on saying "account temporarily unavailable."
  4. Reuben - Christmas is awesome
  5. ASDA SMARTPRICE CHOCOLATE! 27p for easter egg style choc, love it.
  6. Rest in peace doggie. I've dealt with deaths in the family easier than I've dealt with pet deaths before now. it's a horrible feeling losing your best friend.
  8. I lurk and check the Post Your Purchases thread daily. What started as curiosity has ended in addiction.
  9. You can see where they have slowed the video speed down to fit Bonnie Tyler in with the Gorilla.
  10. It is pretty crazy. http://io9.com/5041165/craziest-bat+rumor-ever It could work if she plays it as a sort of Cruella DeVille thing, she would fit in Nolan's world as some kind of old lady mafia boss thing. Like Mom in futurama maybe.
  11. Depp for Riddler and Cher for Catwoman according to latest reports.
  12. I'll be the first one to say it... That's no moon...
  13. That shit is bananas
  14. I'd like to start collecting comic books and graphic novels. Any suggestions where to start?
  15. I'm sure it had an update the other day. The software update thing popped up. Don't know what it did though.
  16. I'm on safari on mac Hmmm...
  17. I'm having the same problem! I thought it was something to do with the site itself. Could it be to do with something like what browser we are using?
  18. Waiting for my exams to finish on friday before playing this. Still got it at midnight though. Didn't preorder as I like the thrill of the chase. I went to Asda and the queue was from the cigarette counter to the freezers, ridiculous. So I drove to Tesco and got it easayyyy. Loads of queues at GAME too. Friday is going to be one fun day: Last exam, GTA, Iron Man, Drunkkkkk.
  19. Odd stage times. Chris Cornell so high up weirdddd
  20. It might look like an N64 game, but that adds to the style. its got the soul of an N64 game too, just that sense of stupid fun.
  21. It's so sad when someone you know dies so young. A young lad I know hanged himself the other day. He was only 17.
  22. Can anyone recommend me some good manga/graphic novels? Theres probably another thread for them, but seeing as I intend to purchase said items, suck my balls.
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