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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. There's one linked on the previous page which is decent. Might need to splash out on this soon myself.
  2. I am so damn looking forward to getting my New 3DS As soon as I thought release be close I stopped playing Persona Q. I also have Fire Emblem I bought 18 months ago and barely played. Plus Majora's Mask. It's going to feel like getting a brand new system complete with a quality launch lineup. I'd get Pokemon X/Y too, if that wasn't a bit overkill on the time-sucking Adventure RPG front.
  3. The rest of HM sounds like an absolute joke. Just the laziest update of all time. I don't want to be done with this game because I really appreciate all the socialising I've had from it for the last 6 months but I'm not sure I can continue with it anymore. I don't see any reason whatsoever to beat HM, especially when the weapons are so underwhelming. Poor show, Bungie.
  4. "That's how you fucking do it" (Dead on the floor)
  5. Because Hard Drives are marketed as though 1MB = 1000KB, 1TB = 1000GB etc., when they're actually 1024 respectively. So what you get is a 2,000,000,000,000 byte drive which is really only 1.86TB. Thought this was common knowledge by now!
  6. Good luck, guys. Report back!
  7. I just watched the latest trailer, it does look great. Plus the beginning said nudity so I've already pre-ordered.
  8. I have no interest in the game myself and know nothing about it, I was just venting off-topic because sadness.
  9. Buying my Micro SD for the New 3DS. 32GB will be enough for a fairly casual user for the foreseeable future right? For anyone else shopping around: 64GB Class 10 UHS-I for £19.99: http://www.7dayshop.com/products/kingston-microsdxc-memory-card-64gb-class-10-WH2-SDCX10/64GB 32GB Class 10 UHS-I for £11.29: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-Memory-MicroSDHC-without-Adapter/dp/B00J29D62Y/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1422013383&sr=8-12&keywords=64gb+micro+sd
  10. I've sunk more time into Destiny than most but it hasn't really bothered me. I never did anything like shooting the loot cave, and quickly stopped doing things I found dull like patrols. I mostly play it for the social aspect, ie, people to talk to. I find that whenever I'm playing with the clan, it doesn't really matter what I'm doing, it'll be fun. That said Destiny hasn't gotten in the way of any other games. I got a tiny bit bored with it at one point so I stopped right away and played Far Cry. Then I decided to make a new alt on Destiny and the fun came right back. I have bought a couple of DS games I've neglected but I decided to save them til the New 3DS comes out, so it feels like I've got more for my new system. It really is a case of making sure the game is fun, instead of going til you've done everything. I've made the mistake in the past of getting fed up with a game because I insisted on completing it on the hardest setting available first, to save achievement collecting time later. Not worth it. Play it for as long as you're having fun and move on!
  11. 3 trailers posted several weeks apart and all people do is press "thanks", no wonder these forums are dying, what happened to the art of conversation? It's not a "Like" button yknow.
  12. Yep ^ it's awesome. Maxed it out and did really well on Iron Banner when I was only level 29.
  13. It did not, it is very hard.
  14. Sorry @Sheikah, I can't make Saturday night, it's my Dad's birthday that weekend so I'll be out of town.
  15. I don't have a raid helm (yet) so I can't use Don't Touch Me and be 32. When... dunno, no rush. Depends who's up for it.
  16. Does anyone want to run through Crota normal for the trophy? 32s only and no shit internet connections :p I'll be swordbearer.
  17. I loved Borderlands as a sofa co-op game. Would never have played it solo or with randoms in a million years. That said my interest in the franchise has waned significantly.
  18. Yep, I'll be around
  19. Cool. Looking forward to playing on my MM 3DS in March then
  20. Got my calendar... do Nintendo normally vendor through TheHut Group and deliver with MyHermes?
  21. Great, that's a full team. Yep we can do that, too. I was going to suggest it anyway. We're starting right at the chest.
  22. Yep it's ok. You can't get Radiant Materials but you'll be getting 3 chances at an exotic, maybe the Timebreaker or raid ship.
  23. One space this evening at 7.30 for some unorthodox Hard Mode Atheon bashing. There'll be one exotic-chest opportunity, followed by sneaking through the gorgon maze, beating the Gatekeeper and Atheon, then jumping back in to do Atheon a second time with alts. No Templar. Anyone up for that? Edit: All gone!
  24. Well, you'd need to be at least 28 to run VoG Normal but I doubt anyone here wants to do that now unfortunately as the rewards are a bit slim, you'd have to get a PuG through Destiny LFG. Best to earn yourself Vanguard Rank/Marks and Crucible Rank/Marks to buy yourself the gear you need to get to level 30, then you can do Hard Mode VoG and normal mode Crota.
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