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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. http://destinytimeline.com/ this is pretty good if you've never bothered with the lore, explains a lot. I read the whole thing up til killing Skolas
  2. I'll probably fly through the story in no time. However, beyond that I might try to ease up on farming things etc in this DLC, rushing to earn everything asap. I'd rather spread it out a little! Racing for keys on sparrows was a heck of a lot of fun, but we would've extended the life of HoW a bit more if we'd all had to go out and spend a little time earning keys each time we wanted to do PoE (and if the PoE rewards had been even slightly worthwhile)>
  3. The PS4 installs like 95% of games to the HDD, and you want it to because the optical drive is the system's weak link in terms of speed. You will probably run out of space eventually, especially if you make a lot of videos... but you can upgrade to a laptop sized drive. I upgraded to 2TB for £60 about 8 months into owning my system. I reckon you would love Destiny, raiding, PvPing and party chatting with the clan There's a very long demo available on the PSN store.
  4. The party chat on PS4 is really great. With the Destiny DLC around the corner the Destiny clan will be on party chat a lot for plenty of banter. Speaking of which... in 12 days Destiny will be available for around £40 with all DLC old and new....
  5. Yeah it's a bit less convenient when you just want to nip down the road to Tesco though
  6. There will definitely be enough for two teams. First team looks like @Daft @DriftKaiser @Map Myself @Eddage @Sheikah Damn hyped son!
  7. Lol, bless. Welcome to the future last generation.
  8. Count me in on the first raid, naturally! Easy on the spoilers though, I'm not watching the gameplay footage reveals etc..
  9. Avalon is The Resistance with a fantasy setting and Merlin. I did really like the Merlin feature though. In one game at the NE meet it ended up that identifying Merlin was the only way to win, but we got it wrong :p Anyone played Power Grid? It's one of my faves but hasn't been mentioned in this thread.
  10. Spent my last 4500 points on the coin and some "?" block coasters Site's crawling, took a few attempts! Years ago I let probably about 10,000 points expire whilst holding on for something good to come along. Glad I didn't miss out on this last thing.
  11. They accept a mailinator email address at the end, fyi. Voted. Surprised myself by how many votes I gave Life Is Strange.
  12. Looks like the first impressions were a bit off base reception on release has been much more positive.
  13. That combo pack's cool, since I skipped the latest remake. Might jump in if the price is right
  14. Does it open up for putting captives in? I'd be surprised if the model had any animation at all....
  15. That depends on how you value eating in a restaurant Which is already more than 4x the cost of cooking for yourself. Spending the vouchers where you were going to spend the money anyway makes the most sense to me.
  16. I can't be the only one around here that gets Tesco clubcard vouchers. I bought a £35 and £25 psn card for £27 worth of clubcard vouchers during the clubcard boost where they're worth double. I have a Tesco credit card that I use to make all my purchases, pay it off at the end of the week. Double points on anything spent in Tesco, and every fourth pound spent on anything else gives you a clubcard point too. No fees, nothing lost, everyone should be doing this... or some other credit card reward system. Basically feels like I got £60 of psn credit for nothing.
  17. Whatever you do, act like you've done it a hundred times before.
  18. Nah. I don't think I will be able to resell the original game, I don't want the clutter of physical goodies, and £20 is just too much of a slap in the face for 3x3 digital items. I was masochistically up for it, until I got an £800 credit card bill :p
  19. So I realised that the cheapest way for me to get TTK is actually to buy some PSN credit from Tesco, with clubcard boost. It's already £32 for £35 so I'm basically going to get £35 credit for £16 worth of clubcard vouchers (not even real money lolol). I already have some PSN credit to make up the rest. Wins.
  20. Pix plox ten char.
  21. The original is still called Stealth Bastard, its name was changed for the PS4/Vita version.
  22. ...sounds like a puppet character from a children's show something....
  23. Sega are on some serious crack. Thank fuck they're leaving Atlus well alone, for now.
  24. Maybe you need to give running another go? Shin splints is probably just a result of poor form, or poor footwear, a good running shop will check your form and suggest some good shoes etc.. Since that's the one you didn't get back pain with, it seems worth a shot. If you find it boring maybe sign up to a 5k or 10k so you have a goal. Also, there's a moment by all accounts (not mine) with running that it just "clicks" and suddenly, the hard work fades away and you begin to enjoy it. Otherwise you could join a beginner badminton/tennis club?
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