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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Yes, it's called bookmarking
  2. I can only assume that they buffed Titans to be 100% void damage resistant whilst I was not paying attention.
  3. This is the kinda shit that's been happening to me lately that keeps us out of the Lighthouse -_-
  4. It's your life mate and I can't tell you how to live it. But inside I am deeply saddened that Elizabeth is relegated to the side whilst some rando (Fullmetal Alchemist??) takes some out of place spot on the top row. And Izanagi, interrupted by characters from the previous title, instead of chilling alongside MC? Whuuut. Also if Yosuke is re-pose-able then making him look like less of a plonker is certainly in order.
  5. I wish I'd bought bumper plates... I think I'm going to have to re-paint my floor before I move out :p
  6. Has anyone downloaded the Batgirl DLC? Feedback has ranged from middling to poor, but I probably loved the main game more than most so I imagine I'd enjoy it.
  7. Yeah thought the same for Hunters! The only thing is, Titans have a bulky look that lends itself to poseable figures, the other two not so much. Depends on the armour though.
  8. Sweet Titan figure on the way. I can finally get a Felwinters Lie :p http://www.worldofthreea.com/threea-production-blog/r01e98zn5zaedwh04d6ln8bzg4whs8 If I was made of monies....
  9. What other Bats' trades have you read? There's so much better out there than Knightfall.
  10. Yep. I can do Fri and Mon but busy Sat and Sun.
  11. Did anyone get an email with my apology? I tried to send one out to active forumites but it seems most people don't want admin emails or don't provide a legit email address, there were so many untrusted domains and bounces in the list that mailchimp got a bit fussy.
  12. If it's 1080p 60fps and anywhere near as good as the first, I'll buy an Xbox One. Otherwise, I'll wait. Edit: just re-read it properly and seen it's early 2016 on PC, might go for that instead
  13. If this post works, I consider it good stuff. /Metaaa.
  14. And what, kill him? I think Superman's probably gotta be a little careful after the whole Zod thing. Batman's a vigilante, but not a bad guy. Superman wants to bring him in, not crush his jaw or heat vision his skull.
  15. Why are the colours always so bright on most bought cosplay items? You gotta put that on and roll around in the dirt for a bit :/
  16. I only wish they'd commit to that idea themselves. Flash seems to be the first to break a longstanding trend wherein they were somehow afraid people would get confused by multiple instances of a character. At which point they must've assumed one would be reduced to a blubbering wreck on the floor, no longer able to subscribe to anything made by DC or Warner Bros. Action figure sales would plummet, stocks would crumble. Hence that horrendous Smallville finale and ten years of suit-related cockblocking.
  17. If you haven't noticed there's a link in the bottom right of your PM list to download all your PMs in three different formats (which I just did, PM inbox now free again!)
  18. I better buy some tickets
  19. Crutch/requirement? I can't even remember using mine for months :/ Cheesing Templar? You mean shooting him from the top platform? That's not going to change much... you're still regenerating enough ammo in the time between getting his shield down to hit him with the full quota of shots before his shield goes up, and there's five of you. Although last time we did the Templar we did him legit and that was much more fun anyway
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMZ_(computing) nice try, but unfortunately that's why it's called that
  21. What provider are you with? Do a connection test and check your nat type. In your router see if you have a DMZ option, get your PS4's ip from network info settings and put it in the DMZ. And make sure nobody else is crushing your bandwidth with torrents etc :p
  22. O yea not sure how I missed that. I don't really mind any of the changes except the blanket effect on handcannons, which everyone was worried would happen when really it's only a few exotics that needed changing, and only in PvP. Did my legendary handcannons really need any kind of nerf? If anything they should be buffed in PvP to make them viable and increase the variety. That and the change to Icebreaker. I just don't get it, they can't possibly have a stat out there telling them that people are overusing/breaking their ideal gameplay with Icebreaker. Especially since hardly anyone's using it now that they want an exotic primary/gjally equipped 90% of the time.
  23. I don't think they ever shortened Ice Breaker's recharge speed, I've had one since the third day of the game. That's actually the biggest kicker for me, although I don't get my IB out much anymore, it's still a god-tier weapon, but 8 seconds sounds way too long.... They could've at least increased the chance of automatically refilling a round. The Black Hammer nerf actually sounds fine to me. It's really not that bad. 18 shots then you just have to source some ammo, hardly the end of the world. Can't believe some other guns didn't get any buff, like No Land Beyond and Dragon's Breath.
  24. Does it need spelling out :/ they're good, but they're not movie stars. Amell is often wooden as fuck.
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