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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Boy, I sure hope you didn't spell it langugaes throughout.
  2. Haven't bought a collectors edition for a long time, big boxes and figures don't really appeal to me any more, but that one does look pretty awesome...
  3. Your friends probably gave into peer pressure, they looked around, gauged their friends' reactions and played it safe. That said, it's kinda weird you had them with you and "forgot" they were there and "accidentally" showed them off as you retrieved your wallet. I can't think of a time anyone has ever seen into my bag whilst I was getting my wallet, regardless of the contents. Perhaps you keep shoving your sex life in their face and they're just trying to mute it a bit.
  4. Can't do apostrophes either amirite up top It was pretty much inevitable but I'm pretty sure I will buy TTK...
  5. I can raid tomorrow (Thur) @Daft Lots more info from GameInformer: Think I'll avoid reading too much, save some surprise to make the price tag feel more worthwhile!
  6. Yep including re-recording all the original lines. Would be fun if they included a cutscene where he gets damaged or something and when you reactivate him he has a default monotone voice and has to pick a new one :p But no, I'm sure it'll just be "quick, nobody's looking, ret-con!" Much bigger news though is the rumour that Year One gear is not going to ascend through to Year Two. Not only does that mean that we don't need to be that bothered about the nerf to Black Hammer since it'll be obsolete quickly anyway, but also that all that legendary gear ascending during HoW was a complete waste of time... [edit: Cozmo has said "hold off on dismantling those legendaries" and that there will be a series of twitch shows coming up soon to tell us more] And the new level cap is 40. And there's going to be some optional way to explore Destiny lore in-game. Links and info in this reddit post. Tbh TTK is sounding pretty sweet so far. I would feel less stupid if I'd pre-ordered *cough* @Deathjam *cough*
  7. Sorry, I want to try and score an IB helm or two tonight.
  8. I'm not an emotional brick, the beginning of Up was very upsetting. Doesn't make it good. It's pretty easy to sadden someone with reminders of the mortality of their loved ones.... I'll get it if it's ever a bit cheaper and/or I'm in a slightly better place in life!
  9. Feedback appreciated
  10. I did. I'll skip Journey then.
  11. Oh, I didn't know it was that short. Can't really justify that price tag then.
  12. Seeking a recommendation: I played the first 5-10 mins of Journey on PS3 at some point and it didn't grab me at all. Should I give it another go?
  13. So far I still hate the start menu compared to Windows 7. When you search for a setting like "users" you just get plagued by irrelevant apps and web search suggestions, when W7 would've brought up various settings, prioritising the control panel and then installed software. Also you could pin software like Word to the left side list, and then there would be drop-lists for recently opened files. Now pinned tiles have no such function, and the only way to have programs appear in a similar format is to make sure there is no tile, and wait for it to appear in the recent program list (at which point you can remove it, but not pin it). So many things have been consolidated under "Settings", which isn't the same as Control Panel, but then Control Panel doesn't contain some aspects, like updates.... There's not much good to say. The task manager is much better, grouping processes etc. The taskbar now basically works like Ultramon on two screens which is great, no longer need extra software to run what should be built in. Visually I like some aspects, hate others like over-designed, over-sized menu/option screens, a few programs are still trying to act like they're hip and modern tablet apps. App switcher is good. Not had chance to use Cortana because frankly talking to your PC at work makes you look like a dick. Program defaults have gone haywire. Even though I heeded some warnings and didn't choose to use Pictures etc, Pictures is still the top option whenever I open a jpg sent on skype, and there's no tick box to choose "always open in x". When you go to modify defaults manually, standard images are ticked for Pictures and can't be un-ticked One positive is that everything is fairly configurable, and I imagine that will only improve over time. I removed almost everything from Start then dragged it smaller, changed my colour scheme, removed buttons I didn't need, switched Cortana to be just a button instead of taking up 15% of my taskbar real estate, etc etc. That said I had to download a 3rd party app to change that horrendously ugly login screen background....
  14. Iron Lag amirite.
  15. Likewise... sometimes I think that my workplace is being irresponsible by paying me, I clearly am not in a position to make grown up decisions about what to do with my money. Just pre-ordered The Dash And bought myself a helmet cam
  16. One thing we have to remember is that when they say something along the lines of "it won't be easy", they probably aren't targeting it at us ridiculous players who have one of everything.
  17. I recently bought some ear plugs too. I think mine work slightly differently though...
  18. I loved the races. I don't actually remember failing any of them but surely you could've just hit pause > restart like you can on every other challenge?
  19. Cheers dude, fixed. That area super needs optimising....
  20. I just ate three Belgian triple chocolate chip cookies and now I hate myself.
  21. Pretty happy getting Iron Wrath immediately on my first Iron Banner game of the month Edit: @Sheikah this also has a good example of all I really mean by activating GG "round the corner".
  22. I'm only going to be doing Iron Banner and Trials til the DLC, which I will wait and see the verdict on. Speaking of Iron Banner, it's back and the loot is good
  23. Someone's posted a bunch of rumours from second-hand sources about TTK, a lot of it sounds great, some of it fairly plausible, so it's nice to imagine it could be true. Obviously a bit spoilery Link to the thread
  24. A much better request would be to have the developer sort his shit out and figure out where it went.
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