The Raids on Destiny, the 6-man Iron Banner matches, recently the 6-man patrols whilst discovering the HoW content, and the Trails of Osiris. I bought the console just for Destiny and it's lasted me non-stop since I first put the disk in 9 months ago. To be honest, shortly after getting Destiny I hit an absolute low point in my life, and if it wasn't for the [NE] clan, all the party chat and banter I honestly dunno what state I'd be right now </drama>. Appreciated, fellas.
I literally had to just load up my library to even find anything close to as memorable on the PS4, and there hasn't really been anything. Got my first PS4 Platinum on Infamous: Second Son which was just a joy to play and a visual treat, but single player experiences just don't stay in my mind for as long. Bloodborne was outstanding, but I'm not feeling any urge to go back and finish NG+. The Witcher 3 might be the exception to that mindset, but I've so far only scratched the surface.