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Everything posted by blender

  1. if the conclusion was, "women are getting less ugly", then the study would be interpreted without preconceptions and emo. (but wouldnt make the news)
  2. it more annoying that they "claim" to be scientists... remember, we are the ones paying for most science. That money should be spent on helicopters for are boys in yellow usually, its based on metrics like 1) symetrical features... 2) "averaged looks" - so mixed raced people tend to do well. ETC.. 3) the results of surveys to produce stereotypes.. However, you can just pick the metric that brings about the conclusion you want. I am sure there is a study on how every one is getting taller. Tall men get more sex and small men get into more fights. but this study is semi-interesting becasue it says something about molecular level happings...... This is interesting. It means that good looking people commit infanticide if they have a daughter or maybe something more pro-found at the chemical level.... in the miracle of life.... but then again evolution doesnt exist as it was all gods choice
  3. theres a lot of wierd people on the net. i wouldnt want to meet any of you without my mummy.
  4. wii motion++ will have autocalibration and be an all-in-one remote. It will also have a microphoone. wi motion+++ will have something extra special there will be also a range of colours for everbody's body
  5. I prefer to dishout the linx effect (flame thrower)... my god, i did not hinki was scared of spiders until i came to asia
  6. I was watching clips from the killing cove on bbc new today - documentary film about dolphin slaughter in japan ... yesterday, I had an "opportunity" to participate in pig slaughter which i turned down as i did want to eat the thing (is that the wrong attitude??? - i like my meat on a plate). Lots of slaughter on youtube anyhow. And then I remember a long time back how my friend killed a blind rabbit with a stick as it had mixamatosis. In this thread, you are requred to answer this question: "What have you killed and why?" You may explain why you enjoyed and also be an emo. It is semi competitative thread where points are awarded by blood, size and cuteness of the victim. Unfortunately, i think i wont win. I killed a mosquito today. It had bright red blood and lots of it. I knew it was actually my blood and not the insects. That made the killing feel like revenge i.e. good !!
  7. assumes you have at least a wii or ds (if not another laptop computer).... test signal strenght in different rooms for comparison
  8. what i dont get is why people will share their noise isolating ear phoones or even just ear phones... i mean sticking something up your nose and into your inner ear cant be that different in the ickyness. The shop i was in today (SE Asia) allowed me to try and earphone i wanted to.... i can see the point as fit is important but so is stds
  9. the most probable explanation is that some source of interference (e.g. a new transmitter or competing routers on the same channel, or a new supernatural being living under your bed) You may be able to resolve it by changing your router's channel on the router's configuration page. (There is sometimes a signal strength fitting that i expect you have already played with.) You can buy an extra router and use it in "repeater mode". You can also make a tin foil hat and wear it. Your head makes a great antenie and as long as you rest your palms on the keyboard, there will be a great signal. However, there is a risk of cancer in all the above.
  10. its all a training ground for sony and 360 platforms... then we will see some serious games like halo i hope... Looking forward to zelda but motion plus has not future UNLESS... there is a Wii SP or Wii HD where it is standard. I do think the latter is likely
  11. like all jobs, it depends on who picks the music... (in store radio being the nightmare)
  12. thanks thats good news. now feeling tempted to preorder -
  13. does the retail license allow you to unistall and reinstall as you upgrade your computer etc...(like office 2007 retail license) or does it get tied to your hardware like an oem sorry i cant seem to find a clear answer
  14. thats a great tip! headphones necer last more than 6 months for me and the insurance is for 3 years
  15. black with an orange glow for metroid please
  16. the mystery feature is an interface with wii heart beat monitor thingy. This is the kind of stressful game that it was designed for (graphics suck)
  17. 1)put you holiday request in writing next time 2)talk to your bosses boss 3)burn down your workplace
  18. ***slap with a fishbot dont worry it died so the other could grow bigger
  19. saw 6 traoiler today facebook woohoo
  20. there is such a thing as too many helicopters i'll have you know
  21. if word did not keep auto capitalising and auto numbering, i might like life more than this hell I'm living
  22. 1) ai needs to get some pants. 2) hope you can switch between first and third person. I wont buy it
  23. i went on one but the bloody thing broke down. They wouldnt offer a refund. So I though, "sod this" and got a taxi.
  24. imagine if you were a traditional asian and had all that mating, pairing and matching taken care off. then you could just not worry about it and get on with whatever you are suppose to be doing. thats what it seems to be like. (dont like the title .. sounds like guerilla advertising.. but of course it isnt.)
  25. 187 where samual l jackson plays the teacher is inspirational! but i think old fashion caning done by the headmaster and served as a form of medicine is ok. But emotional lashing out is not. is there any county where you teachers can cane? all the likely countries like asia seem to have very well behaved children naturally.
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