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Everything posted by blender

  1. i dont like you using foul language. listen to me very carefully, i want to know whats going on and i want to know now, are you going to help me now or not? who is your daddy and what does he do ? howdy stranger
  2. this man is totally insane
  3. stop whining you lack discipline
  4. my daddy is retired. While not being disappointed in my lack of a corporate career, he does the gardening and moaning.
  5. blender


    i'm sorry to hear that. but i must know if this mean you have some hidden superpowers to compensate for your apparent lackings? I cant think of a good superhero name. PizzaFace sounds like the villain but i'm warming to its crust.
  6. you make more sense than wikipedia does...which reads like a medieval history lesson (maybe you should edit it) If i was a caliphate, I would get a common enemy to unite the masses... just like in watchmen but it really is an odd thought... reminds me of marxism ... workers unite etc
  7. blender


    well if we all talked about how normal treatment is, people wouldnt get embarrassed. Getting treatment can't be much more embarrsing than walking around with a pizza face. shall we talk about gential warts now.
  8. blender


    if you try it, dont heat the glass with the match... oh and its not for the face
  9. too late, god has spoken, his word is true, i obey his will. there is no mistake. there can be no more questions, argument or debate. those that dont agree are all infidels
  10. this thread is getting serious, god tells me that i should blow it up
  11. even better, swap disney land for never land and swap goofy for michael jackson and we have an awesome moonwalker sequel and god bless 5.1 and the hardcore gamer
  12. better to be 360, then it has a chance of being the dark and atmospheric game that the images convey
  13. blender


    doesnt matter what the cause is, its the effect that is not nice. I dont know anyone that wants acne or the possibility of acne scars ....even if it is indeed the "natural" condition that GOD himself chose for us. Nice article here: http://www.racgp.org.au/afp/200607/20060705goodman.pdf The only argument against, is COST. There are few (any?) side effects from treatments. basically, i am advocating going to the doctor and aggressively asking for treatment until you get it. You may be fobbed off... in some cases quite rightly but if you are borderline, just explain the distress it causes you. fair enough. but every little helps (I am more worried about life long scarring mentally or physically than some tempory thing that most poeple can deal with)
  14. blender


    acne is the skin disorder.. the odd spots sure to be ok . But given that there is treatment available, I dont think teenagers should have to look at it as a normal part of growing up. Just like wonky teeth can be corrected with braces, people should go for treatment to the doctor. People seem to either to self surgury and make it worse, spend money on clearsil or suffer looking spotty. Easy, free treament that works. Go to the NHS.
  15. also the ballot is horozontally scrolling. (like bansy's website but like no other) Hence, those at the end of the list will DIE DIE DIE. i did not know safari was available for the pc. if they rebrand it to apple or itune ish they could do very well from the random picker (also i assume firefox is 2nd on PC so this is done by all platform market share??? so if operah is on all wiis, they get a bigger market share than their pc only tool might have) - maybe incentive to give operah away
  16. did you know that if you search for google, you get a "divide by zero" "out of range" exception. then the whole internet crashes and everybody wins
  17. blender


    people should not have acne in this day and age. so if you even have a littel see the doc. Acne scarring is not nice. Ages ago, i was given some stuff which glows green under flouresent light (so not one to go clubbing in). I use to enjoy acne on my back and squeezing it. Now i squeeze my mosquito bites but it is rarely the same unless they are infected already
  18. As the apparent farce of their "democratic" elections prooved, it does not matter what the people or group think or want. What matters is what the "regime" and ayatollah thinks, wants and desires. And now a very important note: ... there is a big difference between anti-jewish and anti-israel. one is a religion, the other is a country created after ww2 (with disputed territory and disputed recognition). You must never be confused. If i was a diplomat, there would be no wars
  19. Fact confirmed dont disagree or agree or really know enough.. i was only picking at your opening line. Just because you are muslim shouldnt automatically mean you are antiwar (or that people would automatically jump to that conclusion). The idea that there is a united islam "brotherhood" or single viewpoint always irritates me. Its something fundamentalist like to peddle whiles blowing each other up. In fact, i would probably post it to the "what really annoys you thread" if i had not already posted something more important.
  20. it shouldnt be your religion that depicts your view and I dont think people should/will jump to conclusions about what you actually think based on your carpet. (Although apparently that is the impact on life of following islam. But who comes up with the Islamic perspective on everything anyway.) There are plenty of islamic people in iraq and afganistan that are happy with the big picture of the wars. Their lives are improved by not having fundamentalists (afganistan) or a dicator (iraq). Most of those that disapprove vocally have never been to these countries or experienced life in the old regime... * as a muslim you must have a carpet ?
  21. star wars games are about the story and moving things with the power of the force. It is NOT about willy waving. If there is a wii-brain-wave peripheral that can replicate an interface with the force... then we will have a starwars game worth talking about. (this is realistic technolgically and feasible for home console in the future)
  22. all israel have to do is send some earth and water to the persians and then they will be left alone. There are bigger players to deal with iran... At the end of the day, my daddy is bigger than your daddy. Irans god is a biggy.
  23. it depends at what stage you are in your life. I am at that burned out stage, so am living on the beach. as long as there is wifi broadband, it shouldnt matter
  24. have they announced the free games ? i am a real sucker for them. vista was a great OS on accoount of Chess titans... One day they will include a hardcore shooter i hope as a packaged game
  25. i cant think of any games i would want to go back to. let them die gracefully and naturally. This is only one michael jacksoon.
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