Yeah I read some good recomendations on some MP3 players. Its all here
Next time search to see if your question has been posted before.
I remember I was at Best Buy to get my Vision:M in March, and I saw a pre-order case for TP. I was like "If only you knew the things I know":nono: about the delays.
so very true. The movie could do with out having to had made him a game designer, its very degrading to all gamers.... The only good part was when they had that big party, can you guess why???
No way, Never.
I LOVE this movie:love: . I even have the "Vote for Pedro" shirt, yes I have the shirt . I love when Uncle Rico throws the meat at Napoleon when hes on the bike.
Games fun yes, Hype about hardware not fun.
If so then he should have apologized as well.
Rumors are fun when they are noted as Rumors so fans can speculate, But not when they are little pieces of a rumor like "I have a story(rumor) but I can only give alittle bit of detail" that get us to believe that its more than a rumor.
No I won't, in fact I don't even know who the hell this guy is or was.
New news at
News here:
Wow this is the first time I post news, this is the awesomeness Dante must feel when he posts news.
Normal DVDrippers should do the trick. Just re-author the movie to something like avi, then use any movie maker software to cut out want you want or don't want.: peace:
Hopefuly that helps Yo.:awesome:
I think maybe that might call for a seperate thread. It would make things alittle easier. Plus there wouldn't be any "My painting skills are better than your MS paint (Photoshop) skills" and vice versa type of replies.
How can you not know who that is.
Anyways 7/10, maybe if the men where in front of the flag and like a glowing blur to them, I forget whats that called.
Mines the same as always, but I fixed it alittle, not much that you can tell.
Man anyone who has the chance to see this should take the opertunity. No should miss it.
The MGS part of the show is awsome. The way the soldiers get the "!" and "?" over their heads is hilarious.