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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Man that was a laugh. They should have thrown in the "Massive Damage" reference.
  2. Heros to me looks like Sh*t. "Hey everybody the popular thing this year is Superheros, lets all jump on the bandwagon.":sad:
  3. I read about that this last week. They said that it was only comming out here in the states. But its Sony so expect it to be crapy and use some new Sony made OS and webbrowser.
  4. Juturna by Circa Survive:love: Anyone else ever here of them? They ROCK!!!
  5. Strange we should meet here - Idiot Pilot Awsome f*cking album:heart:
  6. MMmm I like cake, send me some birthday boy. :horse: this pinata has no candy??
  7. I remember someone sent me a FR, and it was from a cat. The owner of the cat actually wrote everything as if it was the cat. :horse:
  8. don't just don't, do anything you can to avoid watching it.
  9. ROFLMFAO!!!
  10. Virtual Boy hands down.
  11. yeah its like "Baby not now, I had a hard day at wor-WWAHhhhh!"
  12. Oh man Dante those screens look amazing... Or at least they used to. Looks like something the old Xbox could do, maybe even the GC.
  13. Cool mines 113, eh not bad.
  14. No worse, he was a Sony fanboy.:horse:
  15. OMFG!! I only got to 1 minute of that sh*t. "Sister comes in for revenge" plot STFU!! How stupid is that. And I doubt the ghost who go as to such far lengths to kill her, especialy after two years.
  16. Whoa that video was pretty Sweet!
  17. Any game is like this once you strip it down to its core goal.
  18. Yay for bumping this thread, I got some photos that I need to upload. And that picture does make me feel gooey inside, mostly in my stomach, it feels weird. Now its coming up, its in my throat, now my-bbwwaaaghhhh.
  19. yeah I know.
  20. Man that would make him not only more weired, but also more scary looking. "It puts the lotion on its skin.":grin:
  21. PERVERT!!! I like her too:woops:
  22. Wasn' he in the "Matrix"?
  23. yeah on the side at the bottom, both pyramids are smooth but on the one section there it looks different. And it has writing on it. Maybe its the signature of who created it.
  24. Does anyone else notice what is on the side of the pyramid?
  25. 30 seconds of my life I will never see again:wtf:
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