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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Sorry to say it but there is already a thread about this. http://revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5910 In fact there was two. http://revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5491 So whether or not this thread should be locked is really up to the Mods
  2. Whooo! Party at Redshells, beers on him!! Happy birthday.:horse:(When is the candy coming out of this horse!)
  3. Playing Red Steel while listening to Queens Princes of the Univers.
  4. If so, then I hate your Sig's Cause I can't get mine to look that good. Me thinks thats why I hate them?? :wink: :horse: (<-Thats some funny sh*t)
  5. Yeah I knew a guy in school who had a friend whos dad worked for Nintendo. Its the truth, they got to get in to E3 for free and get to cut to the front of the entrance line.
  6. yeah cause I really think it might end up being out in late October.
  7. No never. The only good thing that came from Fender is the Telecaster that is it.
  8. Samuel L. J. as God when Interviewed about his thought on Adam and Eve after they ate the Apple. Do you think they deserve to die? Samuel: Yes they deserve to DIE, and I hope they burn in HELL!!!
  9. Its zero. Because then a black hole would appear out of nowhere and swallow everything leaving nothing, not even #'s.
  10. But Zelda PH might be out at the same time as Pokemon, so what then.
  11. Thanks for the info. I was going through the game rather quickly, seeing as how I'm much better than when I first got the game.
  12. I know there is a thread for this somewhere else, but I know it will be seen by alot more people here. Ok so all my data for SSB Melee got erased. So I started to put in my hours of hard work to get it all back. Now here's the thing that has never happened to me before, or have seen before. I was playing Classic mode Normal with Link, and was on the last opponent the Master Hand. Well I got him down to 34% when I heard this laughing like at the begining of the match, and another hand popped out. I was shocked and paused the game and asked my little bros if it has ever happened to them, and they said no. Has this ever happened to anyone before?
  13. So how many times, and how long has this game been delayed?
  14. his name is Christopher, but his friends and family have called him Topher for all his life that he just stuck with it.
  15. Oh F*CK!!! I just got in from work to see this WOW!!! The Force is strong with them, very strong. That could soooo be done with the Wii, not graphics wise but game play wise. But then again, watching it a third time it might be possible for Wii to pull of these visuals, I mean look at Metriod Prime, good looking at the begining of the Gamecube's life cycle, and RE 4, hello RE 4.
  16. Oh yeah I wanna play as Helter as well.
  17. I just put this video on my Vision:M. Gonna be showing it off at work.: peace:
  18. Thanks for this. the quality on the other one was not that good, but with this one I was able to see Helter Skelter's head come off, WHOA!!!:shock: Now I'm even more excited, more excited then I was for Red Steele.
  19. In tomorrows, well Sundays paper it said that this might be the last movie, and that this was going to be a trilogy. HA they know nothing, I read somewhere that they always intended to make 6 movies. We'll probably see Venom at the end of this movie saving him for the forth for sure.
  20. you are being realistic, but you are being realistic about someones unrealistic and un-knowledgeable view and opinion of the Wii BTW heres something else from same site where the article was from http://gonintendo.com/?p=3880
  21. Or buy a second pair of handcuffs.
  22. HOT DAIMN!!!! That Sh*t Good!!!
  23. I'll stick to my DS Lite and Creative Vision:M:hehe:
  24. The guy sounds like he's fat lazy and poor.
  25. ATT/SBC Yahoo DSL: 2mb incomming 400kb outgoing no download limit 2gb (I think its gone bigger) storage per screen name $30 a month
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