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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. Death metal with mario kart = fun²
  2. Replace 'nobody' with 'everybody'. 1337 5|34|< i5 /\/0\/\/ 0/\/|_\|/ |_|53|) (ok i'll stop) by kids playing counter strike and being 'leet'. Anyways wrote a simple ogg player in c++.
  3. Too many outside factors interfere with it. For example I used wifi at my home to connect my pc to my wireless router. The connection quality was good/great(70-85%) but for some reason it dropped out once in a while. For some slow paced games wifi works fine, but playing an fps on wireless is frustrating because of the lag.
  4. A couple of months back I started respecting microsoft and even thought about getting a 360. Then I found about dx10, vista's tilt bits, hd stuff... Knocked me back to my senses. I'll probably still get the 360 some day. But I think I'll stick to this xp on my pc for now and when the time comes, switch to linux.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTx2MAOspS4&eurl= So no homebrew then (yet...)
  6. Actually you probably should wait a bit longer. Intel is updating thh E6300 and E6400 models in the second quarter of 2007. The new chips have 2Mb more cache and are called E6320 and E6420. The pricing won't change so the E6430 will cost the same amount of money as E6400 does now. And those high speed memories are only needed if you plan to overclock.
  7. I can understand that someone comes up with a similar riff using a guitar, for example. But when the exact melody is recreated with the same machine(or an emulator C64) and sounds exactly the same... This ytmnd should shows the similarities better than the youtube link did: http://timbalandtempest.ytmnd.com/
  8. Bogbas


    And it seems that soon it's possible to install ubuntu from windows. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype I think that's a bit too easy.
  9. Bogbas


    I don't think there is redhat anymore it's now fedora core. Mandrake has also changed its name. It's now mandriva. Although I think there's still a redhat version for business market. I managed to get gentoo installed on this machine a while back. But having an ati card is bad if one wants to run linux. And the motherboard isn't fully supported yet. Now I'm waiting if the next kernel would solve some issues.
  10. Didn't see a thread about this here so I decided to make one. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2274635 Well the somethingawful forums thread (1st post) explains the issue. What do you think?
  11. Bogbas


    ... Back to topic: If you have reasonable knowledge about computers you could also try debian or fedora.
  12. I want to see how that thing copes with few rounds of assault rifle fire from 50m. My guess is that it would start falling apart. And as Shino pointed out the laser is pretty much useless. If there was a sniper you wouldn't see him. But there is a device that can find snipers as long as they use a scope rather than iron sights.
  13. I assume you use firefox. File-->save page as --> *choose where you want it, be sure that 'web page, complete' is selected in the drop down box*-->downloads opens--> right click on the file you created, choose open containing folder --> go to the folder which is named the same as the htm (if you don't change it it's "YTMND vs. Sega") with "_files" in the end. The mp3 is in that folder.
  14. Nice thread. You also might want to point out that plasma tvs need a dim room. Because the image isn't as bright as in an lcd screen.
  15. You'd probably hate it here. The social insurance institution of finland pays 80% of my rent(there's a limit to how rent can be though) +study support. It's not as much as you'd get from a job, but enough to pay for my food(nothing fancy though)+internet. And I'm not special in any way just have to be living on my own, over 18 years old and of course be a student.
  16. No. Look closely to the 3.5mm stereo jack. It has three separated metal parts, one for ground, one for left channel and one for right channel. So it doesn't do anything other to the signal than transforming it from two rca's to one 3.5mm plug. And my guess is that the tv's port is stereo as well. And this should be cheaper than an rgb cable + you can use the progressive mode.
  17. The black levels are better and there's not any ghosting either (unless the analog tv signal is bad...) You wouldn't probably see much ghosting on a high end lcd but crt's are cheaper. And no dead/stuck pixels either. Although some lcd manufacturers will replace the set if there's even one dead/stuck pixel.
  18. You probably need an adapter like this:
  19. Look here: http://portforward.com/routers.htm
  20. 88% made an idiotic mistake though...
  21. I think that the last of dx9 cards are getting reasonably priced nowadays. That means radeon x1900xt or GT(the earlier version), x1950 Pro Geforce 7900 GS or 7950 GT. For 10000£ you should be able to get a reasonably powerful machine.
  22. I wouldn't recommend dx10 card yet, unless you have a near infinite budget for the pc. Currently the 8800GTX or GTS(can't be arsed to find out what's the difference) is the fastest, but they are the first dx10 cards. They require a lot of power as well. And you'd basically need a core 2 extreme processor to get the most out of the cards.
  23. Rye bread. Although I do like to eat white bread now and then. One thing I can't understand is using jams or peanut butter on bread. That's just disgusting.
  24. Well that's just a feature of XP. A bit annoying actually. Only way to get rid of them completely would probably be deleting the right files from "windows directory here"\system Edit: Did some research, the driver can be uninstalled from add/remove software according to the manual.
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