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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. Check the pc's ip addresses, (start, run, cmd, ipconfig -all) if they begin with 192.168. your network should be safe. You could check if the current setup is secure: http://www.grc.com/default.htm scroll down a bit to "hot spots" and click on shields up! and click proceed. Then test common ports and file sharing. And test them again after you got the sharing working Some software firewalls have a specific option for enabling windows file sharing, and I think there should be some documentation on the web about which ports to open. First check the firewall maker's website if they have specific instructions on how to enable sharing.
  2. Yes if the router has a switch functionality also. And all the router's I've dealt with have had that. Set them all to the same workgroup, (right click my computer, properties, computer name, change, and enter the workgroup's name on every computer. The win98 will have this information on control panel -> network I think) Now does the router have NAT and DHCP? If it has then it's pretty straightforward, you need to setup the software firewall on each machine to allow windows file and printer sharing. Then check the network places and everything that is shared should be there. I'm not giving any guarantees on getting the win98 to work, usually it works or doesn't work.
  3. Next time you decide to mess around in the registry, make backups... A repair install of xp perhaps?
  4. You might want to look if you can afford an amd athlon 64 X2 4600+ . It's not that much expensive, and it beats the E4300 in game performance. If you plan to do much video/audio encoding or overclocking, get the intel.
  5. Nonsense, I'd beat you all in gears if I had it :p Gongrats from me too
  6. Open up kerio (double click the shield icon), choose network security on the left , choose the applications tab, scroll the list and see if there are "steam" and "hl2", if there is check that they are allowed in and out on the internet column. If the list doesn't have those, click the packet filter, then add, then type in a description, choose the application as *steam folder here*\SteamApps\*your steam profile name*\counter-strike source\hl2.exe , then add tcp and udp as from the protocol section, leave the local and remote fields blank and check that direction is at "both" and action is permit. Do the same for the steam client which and other games you have under steamapps you want to play online. The steam client .exe is in the *steam folder here*.
  7. I agree with that But firefox being the poor mans IE? IE has always been the poor mans option... I like my firefox with redshift v2 theme, everything is black/red. Actully pretty much everything on this pc is black/silver. Apart from that ugly white wlan antenna...
  8. So it's easier to use the soundchip for this. Set the playback device on audacity to the soundchip's output option and the recording to the input option. Then select "stereo mix", "wave" or "what u hear" as the recording source on windows. It can be set from control panel->audio and sound devices? (I can't remember what it's called on english os) On on of the tabs there's the default sound devices, select the onboard one (for both, playback and recording) and click the volume button below the recording device box. If there isn't any of those three options click the menu on the upper-left corner select the first option and tick all the possible boxes. There should be "wave" or "stereo mix" there. Then just close that window, press ok and start audacity. Then hit record and play the video you want the sound off from. Sorry if this seems a bit complicated.
  9. Do you have a soundcard/integrated soundchip?
  10. Huh ? In the reviews I have read the nforce chips beat the intel ones...
  11. Maybe the drivers are not needed? To capture video from a sony dv camera that my family has I just plug it into the firewire port and import the video using windows movie maker, or other video editing software. If I want the images from the memory card I plug in the USB cable. With the sony software that came with the camera I could transfer video with the USB cable also. But the resolution would be worse. On windows98 one would need the drivers though...
  12. Would any of these help? http://www.jvc.com/custrel/index.jsp
  13. The effects look nice(very nice actually), but the buildings aren't that great. Managed to get around ~30fps average on the performance test with everything high except hdr which was low and shadow resolution was medium because it wouldn't go higher. 2xAA and 8xAF 1024*768 But it's a console port so I'm not expecting it to be optimised for pc.
  14. I had one missing dll, http://www.m3fe.com/content/d3dx/ <-- there's more info. And the dll's for those who have the problem.
  15. It's running because directx is an API It's just that the graphics part gets the most attention because it's something that can be seen. I had win98 with dx9.0c running with a dx7 graphics card.
  16. *insert generic rant about microsoft messing up future pc gaming* But to answer the question, I believe it is built in into vista. To find out if you have it (most probably you have if you are running vista) open dxdiag. (on winXP windowskey+r, type dxdiag, hit enter, the version number is at the bottom)
  17. I don't know how it is in the UK, but here we pay for the bandwidth from the ISP to the subscriber. So if I had 8MB line it would only mean that the bandwidth to the isp's gateway is somewhat guaranteed to be 8MB/s. Usually popular download servers limit the outgoing bandwidth per client so that more users can download. Some have it at 1MB/s some at 2MB/s and so on, it varies. You can try http://www.speedtest.net to test the speed. Run it more than once and on different locations as the results might differ (for example, I got ~612k from Russia, and ~4M from Estonia, and I have a 3M line)
  18. The browser might get them from the cache?
  19. There you go It's probably just the connection dropping out every once in a while. I had 3-5 bars on one pc and it would disconnect itself randomly for 10-20 seconds. You could set the speed lower to see if the connection gets better?
  20. The best I got was 119, but my little brother got 125 on his first try... I knew he played mario party way too much.
  21. I'd go for the platinum, it has a volume control knob on the io- drive. I don't have a keyboard that has volume adjustment keys, so I like that feature Seems that the platinum is the same as xtreme music + io-drive? I still have audigy 2 platinum ex, it has more than enough features and inputs/outputs. It also has microphone pre- amp so there's no need for using software to boost the mic's volume. The IO- drive seems to have all those features that are on my external console.
  22. But if you want some really nice performance gains, you have to adjust the voltage. Which will shorten the hardware's life. I'd like to OC my E6300 but I'd have to buy new RAM for that.
  23. What's the use of those kind of speeds when that memory can't keep up...
  24. Depends, if for some reason the ip of your pc changes (might happen when the router is reset or could happen when you reboot your pc, depends on the router's settings) But for now you can just find out what ip the router gave you. On XP you could press winkey+r, type "cmd" (without quotes), press enter, type ipconfig, press enter. And it would show the pc's ip address. Jordan will probably know if there's an easier way to find the ip on vista.
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