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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. This is a wild guess but 'best skate film ever' triggered my mind back to a Transworld article I read long ago about Blind's 'Video Days'. It's an old one though. Note: I haven't seen Video Days (yet)
  2. I'm probably going, last year was apparantly amazing with The Prodigy, Korn, Marilyn Manson and so on. They don't have a bandlist yet (and probably won't until the summer) but here's one Belgiumite hoping for a good list ^_^
  3. Eminem broke up with Kim again? Tbh I preferred Slim Shady to Eminem, he's gone all pussy lately. 'Encore' was a disgrace
  4. It's quite good, the last one is my favourite so far (the tetris DS one). Just one small suggestion from me would be not to clarify everything. Had you left out the two researchers in the last panel and their text it'd have been more funny to me. Dunno how many people here like that kind of humor though
  5. As already mentioned, anyone can take a few numbers and make it look spooky/right. Also, how many of those 'facts' did you actually look up?
  6. Shetty Sounds. The Shet Factory. Pure Shet Vibes. Shet for the Ears. The Shetty Times. Excuse me, I'm just having fun :P
  7. This post is just to show that people DO read techie threads, but don't reply when they have no idea. So: I have absolutely no idea on how to do that, but think, if there is a way, that it will be one helluva task and probably not worth it in the end. Not to mention probably not legal (ripping to pc, screwing around with copyrighted material and such).
  8. I seriously hope that nobody really takes any of these tests seriously. I mean, the IQ average is supposed to be 100, and nobody here scored under that yet (or they did but were ashamed to post :P). So scoring 115 on a real IQ test isn't 'sucking' at all.
  9. Sorry mate, I don't see any AGP slots on there, and it'll definately NOT have PCI Express slots on there... in fact, that's the only pc I've ever seen in my short life without an AGP slot I have 0 experience with the PCI graphics card market, but I think it's safe to say that no PCI card is fast enough to run C&C Generals, light as the game may be (correct me if I'm wrong please!) Hope I could help out.
  10. I've done a more professional IQ test taken by a certified psychologist, and I'm fully aware that it's still only a slight guideline. I scored 126 in total, 136 for languages and 115 for mathematical areas. Kind of ironic that I'm in a maths direction at school, eh :p
  11. That made me laugh Ah yes, endless discussions leading nowhere are always fun. *pulls out discretely, thread not pregnant*
  12. I'm going to be at a LAN party on April Fool's Day, so I'm thinking of getting a police officers uniform or possibly a SWAT-like uniform and crashing into the LAN screaming everyone better turn over their HD's to the FCCU (Belgian RIAA sort of thing, dunno if you have it over there). It'll go great with the paranoia that's overtaking the Belgian LANning community. Hell, you had to fight for the last KathoLAN tickets and now there are still 11 places free, three days from the LAN itself. Agreed, warez is and still is illegal, but everyone is so scared about losing their computers (even though they're innocent) that a lot of the fun turned into tension. It sucks. But I digress.
  13. That's probably an joke comment, but just so the others don't get the wrong idea: the French spell it 'Bruxelles'
  14. Who the fuck spells 'Brussels' like that? I was there thursday and friday! Went debating for Europolis, a kind of Belgian european youth parliament. Our resolution passed! All in all great fun, was awesome to run around brussels dressed like a polititian That's our group (me on the left). The building is enormous, the bit you see on the two pics that have been posted here is just one part of it, it's a whole neigbourhood, they actually have pipes between buildings hanging above the street. It's high-class shit.
  15. But we do... that one Mr_Odwin sang a few years ago (or how long has it been). Anyway, my favourite lyrics are System of a Down's Streamline, not so much for the lyrics themselves, but they're sung so very very powerful, especially that last 'Goodbye'. Enjoy: I wasn't there for you I wasn't there for you I know weather's gonna be fine But I can't see you 'cross the streamline My love waits for me in daytime But I can't see you through the snowblind But I wasn't there for you You are gone (I wasn't there for you) Goodbyes are long Goodbye (I wasn't there for you) Goodbye I wasn't there for goodbye I wasn't there for goodbye Well, I know time reveals in hindsight I can hand wrestle with the stormy night Because your love lasts a lifetime But I can see you through the snowblind But I wasn't there for you You are gone (I wasn't there for you) Goodbyes are long You are gone (I wasn't there for you) Goodbyes are long Goodbye I wasn't there for you I wasn't there I wasn't there for you I wasn't there for you You are gone (I wasn't there for you) Goodbyes are long Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye
  16. 1. 'LOL'? That just completely kills any credibility you ever had (if any) 2. Actual RAM has a bandwidth capacity around a few Gb/s, much much more than a HD, so actual RAM is many many times better than this virtual shit. 3. Calling for example Jordan a moron and on a Tech Board is..moronic 4. 'U guys know nothing'. Right. PS. you ^You can copy that and use it freely, the word 'you' is then slimmed down to two keypresses instead of the incredible three it usually is.
  17. Your av pic there looked stretched vertically to me, the guys face is long-ish And I kind of knew how you looked like due to the pics you posted in picture threads and (wrongly) assumed it was you in the days of longer hair My bad. But still! *ground rumbles as hundreds of protesters line up at his door for generalising how arabians look*
  18. To be honest, I thought arab's trick would be blatantly obvious to any fool. I mean, there's a (warped, but it's there) picture in his avatar of him for christ's sake. Then I come back and see all the hatin'.
  19. I've met Bill Clinton (before the Lewinsky affair), nice man he was as well. I was pretty small at the time though. Ehhh Gella Vandecaveye (sp?), female Belgian judoku, really really talented. I did karate at the time so we talked a while, nice lady.
  20. No, it's not 2 Gigabyte a second, it's two Gigabit, which quite a different thing. So 2000/8 = 250 MB/s is what you're getting. Which imo is overkill seeing as your HD can't possibly write that fast (at this moment). As far as I knew, light was the fastest thing around this planet, even after slowdown. I could be wrong of course! So I'm hereby requesting a linky linky to inform me of this matter
  21. Norton blows goats. Ever heard of the latest cool toy? You go on an IRC channel and type 'startkeylogger' without the '. Anybody using norton will automatically get disconnected with the error message Connection reset by peer. This is tried by me and very true So handy if you want to get the person in question offline if he/she's being a dick and you have no op.
  22. Indeed, I was wondering if this was a new movie or not, till I saw that. It's been a while since I've seen it but it looks like quite a promising game.
  23. I used to cry quite a bit, haven't for a few years now. I just go all mopey nowadays, but don't really feel the need to cry. Certain anime do make me well up a bit though
  24. I earn about 50 euro (34 pounds) a week with my job at the bakery, half goes in my savings account, got about a thou euro in there atm. The other half I can keep and use as I please. On top of that I get 20 euro (13,7 pounds) per month from my parents. And an occasional fiver here and there from my grandparents or parents. I don't have to pay any bills or anything yet, but whenever I go out or want to buy something, I pay for all of it.
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