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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. I assure you it's no photoshop I just told her I'd like to bite her shoulder.
  2. Tom Clancy's books also happen to be boring as hell . I've tried wrestling through Splinter Cell and a few others but I always get lost in the excessive technobabble.
  3. Deception Point is brilliant! Keep going.
  4. This summer holiday I read: The Chronicles of Narnia (all 7 books), The Hobbit (for the 6th time), I tried my 5th shot at the LOTR triology but damn, I never get past halfway through the second, Third and fourth Harry Potter books, John Grisham's The Firm (for the 3rd time), John Grisham's The Street Lawyer, John Grisham's Runaway Jury, And at the moment I just started John Grisham's The Chamber.
  5. Both English and German are very difficult languages to learn (English is my first language though, Dutch is my mother tongue), English due to the sometimes illogical grammatical structure and vast vocabulary, German due to archaic grammar laws that are just plain horrid. Spanish/Portuguese would be much much easier. Logical grammar, easy to pick up, very very beautiful languages (much prettier than say French, which I never seem to be able to grasp). That's why in essence Esperanto was a good idea (relies quite a bit on the Spanish language actually). But the language is what the business asks it to be.
  6. Weed was class A (and still is in the US of A) due to misinformation back in the 50's, now the government is (albeit grudgingly) starting to see the light a bit. Cocaine, however, has been proven to be very addictive and fairly harmful. And the high just isn't worth that.
  7. I smoke weed with friends, it just improves the general social atmosphere imo. It's a group activity, gives you something to do together and feel good. Nothing 'makes' or forces me to use them, it's my choice and I also choose not to abuse it. (A joint or two every month or so currently). Why do you go on a drinking binge? This might make me sound like a hypocrite but I wouldn't be comfortable with drugs like crack, cocaine and heroine being legal because that shit fucks you up real bad.
  8. It is estimated at around 800 cannabis cigarettes (I'm not sure if it's like a half gram joint or pure Mary Jay). You'd never even get there because you'd die of carbon monoxide first from the DUN DUN DUUUUN: tobacco. She OD'd, but on what? She might've been sniffing cocaine or smoking crack and cannabis, doesn't make ganja the guilty party, far from it. And is she dead? Because puking due to marijuana I can understand (*nudges kopo*) . Face facts, dude. PS: I can read portuguese, so that wouldn't be a problem :horse:
  9. I hope you understand me asking for a link for proof. I smoke it every now and then and enjoy it, but heroine/cocaine and the like are nasty nasty things.
  10. I'm all for the legalising of marijuana, seeing as it's possible to use in moderation and doesn't fuck up your body (not one person has ever died directly due to use of marijuana, and it's near-impossible to OD on it. It's just not toxic enough, whereas about 500 000 people die yearly in the US alone due to alcohol or tobacco misuse). It will however, alter your way of thinking upon frequent usage but the vast majority of marijuana smokers are normal people so yeah. Yes it's called a 'gateway drug', but that's bullshit seeing as 99% of all heroine users started out with... surprise surprise, alcohol or tobacco :-O. Plus it's a fairly profitable business. -edit- Oh and don't forget the medical benefits! Plus there are probably more beneficial uses for the ganja.
  11. I'm about 6ft1, so pretty happy with that. I'd prefer a better complexion but it's getting better slowly, some dirty periods here and there though. I currently love my hair when I've showered and combed it back to let it dry and fall naturally, it looks good then (imo). I recently started running 5 to 6 km every 2 days again to get a bit fitter.I've got a bit of a belly now that I'd like to convert to abs (gained 3 kilos in 18 days in america!). And, although you all probably mean it in the right way, you shouldn't really say 'lose weight'. It's not about how much you weigh, it's about how you look. A mate of mine is slightly shorter than I am and weighs 90 kg. A lot of you would get the mental image of a slightly overweight dude but in reality he has a hella muscly body (he boxes) and looks healthy and appealing. Muscles still weigh more than fat, another thing to keep in mind. Oh and Jordan, eating healthy and excercising heavily for a week won't help jack shit. You'll only start noticing after a month or two. Also, don't stress it, just take it one step at a time. Your body reacts in the opposite way if you suddenly change something drastically.
  12. USB transfer speeds serve me quite well with my external 200 GB HD, and most laptops have a lower rpm anyway, thus their transfer speed is already limited, making any eventual margin with the USB transfer speed even smaller. (I'm assuming you have USB 2.0)
  13. What the fuck are you waiting for then?
  14. XXX edition aye? Is that like hardware nipple rendering? Oh and the BFG has awesome specs, I've killed hundreds with that thang.
  15. The (drum solo) had me and my brother (he's 10) rolling on the floor. Also, towards the end it's very well mixed.
  16. Interested in this, anyone that has a laptop and/or an external TV tuner that knows if consoles don't lag on your screen?
  17. High time you read the rest of the thread then
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