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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. Woops : peace: Sorry I really needed to try those out. And I wasn't checking the URL's
  2. I felt like dying when I was suddenly caught up in my first true-blue mosh pit at the Bloodhound Gang gig. I thought I was going to die of heat. On a more serious note, back when I was living in brazil, notorious for its huge thunderstorms, one was brewing and we had to pull out all electrical appliances. I walked towards our computer and about two metres away I smelled something weird then BANG! lightning struck down straight into my poor compy, frying its modem I smelled ozone for days.
  3. I'm probably biased, but Norton usually fucks up everything on my pc after a period of time. I tried uninstalling it once and it's worse than ANY virus out there. I personally would get a refund.
  4. mabye an IRC section? Trillian, but you already have that I think. mIRC: http://www.mirc.com HydraIRC: http://www.hydrairc.com Xchat: http://www.xchat.com There's a bunch, but I think I got most of the excellent ones.
  5. No idea if you were joking, but Jordon's no longer a mod either Guilty pleasures? Hmmmm..... I like Rihanna - Pon De Replay a lot.
  6. Underground or Most Wanted?
  7. I can't bear to listen to my own crap, ALL of them make me cringe, even the ones I think are better
  8. Don't talk about what you don't know, 230 Volt is NOT = 230 Watt. Lowest PSU you can get nowadays are 300 watt or something.
  9. Thanks Here's to me trying to help. I've solved my fair few of computer probs and do tech sup... what am I saying, I don't need to show my resume..
  10. That's a contradiction right there Probably not the problem though. -edit- Have you tried another browser yet, see if the same happens?
  11. Please help what? Please help where? Is there a fire? Your sisters water break? You didn't answer my questions, and if you can't, then it's a PEBKAC problem. PROBLEM EXISTS BETWEEN KEYBOARD AND COMPUTER.
  12. Sure, with the amount of information you're giving it'll be no prob... dude... *deep breath* System specs? Virus/spyware scan results? Browser? Anything else funny going on in for example games? Monitor build? Only on websites?
  13. Say what now? On Topic: Yeah I saw that a bit back, pretty nicely done... though the drums ruin some bits just a teeny tiny bit :P
  14. Well if you can buy it, it's not really the future anymore is it :P j/k, looks like a fun toy... for about two days. 7 grand? Hah! My GP2X costs much less and will be able to view photo's, video and play music AND run emulators. No it won't be able to roll over by itself but that's not really something I look in a gadget
  15. What Athriller said, times a hundred f***ing million. This is what, your third thread today?
  16. Never mind the fact that Sonic can run at extreme speeds... and is bipedal, for that matter. Wow. There was me being serious about a complete shit thread. In fact, I just removed you from my MSN list right now. That's what you get for posting shitty threads I guess. SO HA! People that are right about this thread: bluejay fieldsofanfieldroad EevilMurray ( I know he's thinking it ) People that are right about Infinete: Raining_Again -edit- Oh and fieldsofanfieldroad if you add that as a quote to your sig, I'm going to have to track you down and punch your sister. /OMGINTERNETDEATHTHREATS
  17. You don't seriously believe that runs in a loop do you?
  18. Nice box. What are the 3DMark 03/05 scores?
  19. ...What else is there to love about it? Yeah, very cool vid, saw it a few days ago but didn't feel it was worth creating a new thread for, but whatever .
  20. 'keeping a low profile' makes you sound like some kind of gangster or something, hence the rather sarcastic reply. But I realise you just worded it wrongly. My apologies.
  21. Errr... what? I'm not sure how an ID card could tell the big bad brother where you're heading, unless they built a GPS system in there or something, which actually would be quite impressive. Why do people like to think that someone has an intrest in following them? No nobody needs to know you masturbate that often, they won't check. I don't believe a shop owner would actually ask to see your card before you enter.... and try asking a group of rowdy chavs that just entered your pub to show you their ID cards... not happening. I don't really think that the government is 'out to get you'. You automatically jump to the conclusion that they'll use it to their advantage and to your disadvantage, the poor innocent civilian. A mans life will not be 'recked' because of a mixup, surely only one or two situations would rise before it gets corrected, it's all digital right? And I completely fail to see how a nationwide ID card system (which I personally thought was implemented years ago in most places) would make privacy grow wings, open a window and soar out gracefully. Fake edit aka PS: Ray? Low profile? Don't make me laugh.
  22. Oh man :shock: !?!! You got THE LanParty function???? And 3 megs of RAM! Holy crap dude!?! And that all for the meager price of 2 grand. On a serious note, you got ripped off. People that don't know computers shouldn't be allowed to have an X2.
  23. Holy crap, that reached a whole new dimension of shittyness.....
  24. Saw that a few days ago on newgrounds I think, awesome piece of work there.
  25. wha?wha?wha? Jordan a nazi sob? I must've missed something.
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