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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. Rollercoaster Tycoon rocks very very VERY hard I still play it to this day. I didn't like 3, you had to put lights and stuff so you could see something at night, which kind of put me off, since it was still too dark. I'm probably acting conservative but I didn't like 3 at all.
  2. Isn't that list off landoverbaptists.org? I thought I read it there. The site had my mouth hanging open before I realised it was a huge joke... it has to be...right?
  3. http://support.ati.com/ics/support/DLRedirect.asp?fileIDExt=effbafd134873f47f49c740581fb1854&accountID=737&deptID=894 There you go. Title says all really, it gave me +10 fps in Quake 4, which rocks pretty hard. It'll give you big boosts in Doom3 and other OpenGL games too. Hurrah!
  4. That's a mighty fine bar of soap you have
  5. I cut through the top of my left middle finger while cutting an apple with my new pocketknife. Errr... I fell pretty hard once with my bike and opened just about every joint on my left side. Details are hazy though I very rarely get injured.
  6. I can trace my roots back about four generations I think, all Belgian
  7. Bleh. If ATI made the cards and nVidia made the drivers, we'd all be swimming in visual jism
  8. 120 people to start a discussion involving masturbation after the phallic comments.
  9. The stuff some of these guys can do still amazes me, I found this video another day of a french beatboxer, 'eklips'. He's pretty awesome. http://www.speedoh.com/index.php?x=22 Bear the french a bit though islanders :awesome: Anyone else got some video's involving beatboxing?
  10. I get 20 euro a month from my parents, and they sponsor me in bigger things I want to buy. I work at a bakery, one week I work on Saturday from 6.00-12.00 and the other I work on Sunday from 5.00-12.00. Yeah, the hours are bad (when you get up ), but I still have half the day free for other stuff. The pay is pretty decent, and above all, I love doing it
  11. I'm more impressed that he manages to add 'lol' to every sentence with a 99% success rate. That's pretty heavy, man. Oh and happy birthday :p
  12. For the second time: I was hosting. If my ping was not zero, I'd have a problem. Besides, Jordan had no lag at all, it isn't noticable until about 60 ping. -edit- Does Space play Ut2004? I'd like to play him, he sounds like a challenge
  13. He meant that I was hosting, indeed I was. Jord, yeah I picked albatross first because I'm good at it, but you wanted to leave it at Deck17 and you wanted Gael, capeesh? Very good game, Deck was pretty close. It was mainly to shove in Largo's face seeing as he was shouting on about how much I suck at UT :p HERE YOU GO LARGO. IN YOUR FACE BITCH!!! And gg Jordan my man. Now go train for a rematch to reclaim your title damnit!
  14. 'utterly convincing' is relative. I see the word 'photorealistic' used in a review of the first Rainbow Six. Physics have been around a lot longer, yes Havoc 2.0 is the current best but still, see above for relativity. Changing the genre requires innovation, which HL2 lacked somewhat. This doesn't mean it's a bad game, I thought it was pretty good (the mapdesign and gameplay are better in Quake 4 though). HL2 didn't change the genre at all, just advanced it a little bit (which, to me, isn't 'changing' anymore seeing as everything evolves so fast nowadays).
  15. Neither did Half Life 2.
  16. Does the pc automatically boot off the CD-ROM drive? If so, remove it so it HAS to boot off the HD. It'll ask for the CD again if it goes back into setup.
  17. I'm hurt, I truly am Ah well, Roadkill, Jordan, kopo, Jonst, raining_again, Blackcocks, Zeikfried, Allyn, Cube Chris and a few more all deserve some lovin' from 'Diets' heart. Why does everyone call me diets, even people that have no connection whatsoever between themselves call me Diets... a curse I tell ye!
  18. The thread title is a perfect example of what question NOT to ask on a mostly UK-based site (and yes, Europe is closer to UK than USA). I have his cd, 'You might be a redneck...'. I know it by heart by now 'Nuff said
  19. I've said this on IRC but I'll say it again: I know how it feels like, my mother went through one herself, it's awful. Hang in there.
  20. I think mine would be Quake 3. That includes trickjumping, botmatches and online/LAN play. I've lost count on how many hours I've clocked on it just trickjumping around a funmap (think skatepark-ish but Q3 style) listening to Captain Immy.... In fact, I think I'll go do that some more now... where was that darn cd again?
  21. What do you think of iD's newest addition to the legendary Quake series? I think it's frikking awesome so far, you really get the idea you're in a huge battle, plus you get to blow up shit . They make frequent references to Q2, it seems like Q2 happened only a few days ago (judging by the way they speak about it... you'll see). I was afraid that the weapons would go too realistic, but those fears weren't confirmed thank god. Only slight gripe at the moment is that rockets fly a bit too slowly, but I'll get used to it I guess As for the graphics, I play on 1024*768 everything Low (probably my CPU bottlenecking, going to start saving for a new pc) and it still looks better than Doom 3, plus no slowdown in big areas or massive firefights, only when you look upon 3 marines in a spaceship or something (not on the field) it slows down for some stupid reason...but that could be me -edit- Why do I always say upgrade instead of 'new pc'?... this mobo will only handle up to a 3100+ or something...
  22. Hurrah! Although 'Benzin' was good, I hope there's some better stuff on it -edit- 'Mann Gegen Mann' sounds incredibly macho, but very good
  23. Eeeeuw....cricket
  24. Strange, I like her much better than the teacher we had last year (kopo and I are in the same class btw ). She speaks understandably and makes some very sarcastic comments sometimes that nobody catches but me (26/50 YEAH BITCH!!)
  25. Playing: UT2004 Watching: Hanaukyo Maids episode 7 Listening: REM - It's the end of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
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