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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. http://www.keithandthegirl.com You will need no other link for the rest of your life.
  2. James Blunt makes me want to spontaneously combust while jumping off a building just about to pull the trigger. You're BEAAUAUAUAUAUAUEUAUAUEAUAUTIFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...shut the hell up.
  3. No way in hell is that going to be comfortable AT ALL, plus it just looks retarded He looks like his package is caught in the zipper. You were saying?
  4. That and 'Streamline(d)' (mostly referring to the end) get me totally high. : peace:
  5. I've played this before moving on to WoW a few months ago. It's very good if you're in to the Korean kind of MMO, which means grinding and grinding till your fingers are reduced to dust. Also, the 'side quests' take aaaaaaages to complete because you have to find say 10 of a certain type of item, only one type of critter drops it and they only drop it 1/50th of the time (not joking, took me like four hours to do one measly side quest, and I had just started) I pretty much gave up before I even could fly [note: Flyff = Fly For Fun], because it's just too samey for me. The level upping is quite rewarding though. But WoW is better, much better. But this is free. You choose.
  6. Dieter


    Smooth move into a desktop thread there. This was originally intended to show my idiotic cousin where a button was, but it'll do. Souluna Remix theme, easily one of the best out there. Simple, small, sober, readable, sexy.
  7. Dieter


    You hacked a .dll, it's normal that windows complains. Nothing bad will happen. And Windowblinds basically covers your theme, doesn't replace it iirc. It uses a lot of RAM for what it does.
  8. Dieter


    I had trouble finding it on google again, so I took the time to mirror it to my private ftp space. http://users.pandora.be/templarke/nw_uxpatcher.zip Hack away. -edit- Forgot to check Mr.Odwin's link, my bad. Ah well, my ftp probably gives better speeds
  9. Dieter


    Find the hacked uxtheme.dll (it's a kind of .exe patch you need to install) then you can use all themes without shit like stylexp or windowblinds.
  10. Opera is a godly browser (started using it after FF got memory leaks) once you get used to it, the only annoying bit is it never seems to save my passwords on some sites...bleh.
  11. And we are going to sit back and enjoy them doing it. At least they make good shit..
  12. You could probably knock off a hundred quid by doing it yourself but it'd be more hassle than it's worth. Go for it. Also, get Windows XP Pro. Home is shit. -edit- Also consider buying another mouse, as I think that's the same one my mother has (she paid quite a bit for it too) and it lags horribly. Ah well, you'll feel it
  13. Wrong, they finally got some sort of patent they wanted and it's being released Febuary 1.
  14. It's been confirmed by Capcom or whoever that RE4 is indeed going to the PC. The only thing that I wonder about is if you'll be able to shoot and move at the same time? Because a mouse and keyboard would allow you to do that quite easily, making it frustrating if you have to stand still all the time. That will make it easier, so the enemies should be faster or harder to compensate.
  15. That's gutsy. The article gets a note of humor when you see the bandwidth exceeded picture -edit- Thanks to a friend on cadnet, here's the hotlinked picture: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2006/01/24/national/george.184.2.650.jpg
  16. Hmmmm but if that bit is released we finally might see easier remote desktop between Linux and Windows.... the only remote desktop software that's ever worked for me okay is the Windows to Windows built-in one.
  17. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8FBS0D80.htm?campaign_id=apn_home_up&chan=db I'm not sure what this will mean, more free software? Microshaft Winblowz Edishun made by angry Linuxers? It won't be the full source code, just a 'significant chunk'. This might be of great importance, but I don't know enough what you could do with windows source. But cheers to MS for 'opening' a bit, albeit under threat by the European Comission's ultimatum. It could've gone horribly wrong, leading MS to just simply boycot Europe. Luckily Europe's market is big enough
  18. I touch type using dvorak and rarely look down, because the keys are all in the wrong places anyway. I tried the test twice, first time my GWPM was 73 and my NWPM was 72, second my GWPM was 103 and my NWMP was 101.
  19. I think this is appropriate. Millions of peaches, peaches for me. Millions of peaches, peaches for free... dum dee dum dum... 'cept those weren't free I'm guessing. Nice collection
  20. Dieter


    I love to sleep but I never seem to get in my bed before midnight. Sometimes it's schoolwork, sometimes it's just browsing around.
  21. Ultramon is one of the most useful programs around. And Dual Screen owns Mono Screen easily (haven't tried three yet). I tried to go back but only held out for a few months, back on DS now
  22. Interesting voodoo at work here, I just made a wordpress blog, then came on here and badabing, a thread. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, I'll see how it works out. The link is in my siggy and for the lazy people that don't want to reach aaaaaalll the way down there there's http://dieter.wordpress.com . Yes, there's only one post there, I'll try to 'update' tomorrow. - I dislike the word blog for some reason. It has the same feel as 'podcast'. Bleargh -
  23. I generally dislike tea and coffee. +1 rep for Mr_Odwin liking hot chocolate, I love that stuff, hot or cold!
  24. No cam readily available but my day to day shoes are a pair of really beat up white O'Neill things, kind of like the image below but white and...beat up (I've had them for about eighteen months now XD) My other pair is for hiking and such, very durable things. Oh and as for your shoes sarka: they look fine, I wouldn't wear them but I don't see why you'd hate em
  25. I worked on christmas, as all true men should.
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