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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. Star Wing, followed by Super Mario all-stars + world, followed by Final Fantasy 3 (4), followed closly by Star Fox 2 (yes, I have a near-complete rom) followed by Super Mario Kart.
  2. Both were great, especially the first one... hopefully, the movie will be as funny.
  3. My target is to get either Red Steel and Zelda, Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda, or one of the previous 4 with Excite-truck.
  4. My useless fact of the day: Pigs can cover a mile in 7.5 minutes when running at top speed.
  5. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/jackson%20voices%20god_1002655 Movie superstar SAMUEL L JACKSON will voice God in a new audio version of the Bible. The taped recording of the New Testament will feature many famous other black actors and musicians. Jackson was given the lead role because producers felt his deep, authorative voice was perfect for the role of God. A source tells British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, "Samuel's just finished recording a CD set of the New Testament. The recording is due to be released in September (06), with a box set of the Old Testament to follow next year (07). "Scores of other black actors, musicians and athletes will also figure, but Samuel was deemed to be the perfect person to play God." I can already see it:
  6. Un-hook your internet connection, run the computer on "safe mode" and run a virus scan.
  7. I'm a big fan of Zelda and Mario, hense the name.
  8. Wouldn't this really belong in the general chat board?
  9. Maturbating? Prehaps videogames, game design, photoshop, poking random people with sticks, etc...
  10. If you think thats funny, you obviously haven't heard the news that Sameul. L. Jackson will be playing God in a new audio cd version of "The Holy Bible".
  11. and I thought the nearly-rape scene in "28 days later" was disturbing...
  12. I'm gonna rob the bank, and buy a good 207 PS3s.
  13. Is that all? In Spain, you get 12 weeks! about 3 weeks have already passed.
  14. Its said either on the IMDB or the Wikipedia that actor/singer David Bowie might play the role of the Joker.
  15. Note: When I say "die" I don't mean it literly, I mean in as in "you feel like you're gonna die, and sometimes wish you could die".
  16. I'm mostly talking about inland Spain (about a good 20KM inland), which it gets very hot. The beach resorts are a good 5/10 degrees cooler, though.
  17. The thermometer was outside, and it was definatly 50 degrees+, mind you, it ws a bit of a freak day, because a few hours later, it started raining for no reason :P
  18. Find any oldchav, they're prety much all the same... its like "Attack of the Clones", but the clones are actually chavs, and theres loads more on them, and *gasp* they concentrate on England mostly.
  19. Get the chainsaw out, find them, slice their heads off, stuff them, and hang them on your bedroom wall. 'Nuff said.
  20. The following words are not me exagerating: It would litery kill an English person, since the english are used to a colder climate, it would be like putting a block of ice in a pan of boiling water. Ok, so I am exagerating a bit, but, you understand what I mean. Also, Spanish is an easy language to learn, but whatever you do, do not, I repeat, do not learn Spanish from English people, or learn in a resort mostly occupied by English, go to a very Spanish area (In-land Easten Málaga, for example) and that where you can learn to speak proper spanish, some for Portugease, or any languages, infact, just head in-land and learn it from a natural.
  21. 55 degrees outside, 40 inside. Not nice.
  22. Off-topic: Note to everyone: I made it like that to make it look like an old, corny early-60's B-Movie. On-topic: Nice, very nice, it looks so good, that it looks like it was taken from Nintendo's site. 9/10.
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