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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. Remember everyone, theres always a slight chance of news leakage tomorrow, since theres going to be a EA/Nintendo conference tomorrow.
  2. Strange, I'm not able to change the frecuency (I'm using Sky Digital, btw).
  3. Resident Evil 2 for the GC... Dunno why, though... Isn't like I even like that old control style compared to Resi 4.
  4. Hype is being lost for this game due to the lack of any form of news...
  5. Are you sure this works? I just tried it out, and nothing of the sort appeared, just some channel named "epi backround music".
  6. Even though I've never seen Thundercats in my entire life, this remake sounds like the sloppy objects that slip out of my anal passage... I swear they also did this with another cartoon besides Looney Tunes.
  7. Well, even though the Cell processor is already in production, only around 20% of them are fit to be used in a PS3.
  8. I don't think the SMB movie is as bad as what many people think it is, okay, it isn't exactly colourful and cartoony as the SMB games, instead, it takes on almost a gritty look, a somewhat more realistic look at the SMB universe... some parts of the film are just pure camp, others are good... its like marmite, you either love it or hate it.
  9. Did I? Oh snap, so I did. I would happily buy a Wiimake game, especially some which I haven't got, like Starfox Assault, and Pikmin 1+2, etc...
  10. I forgot to add that the wii-makes (as Miyamoto said) would be at a bargain bin price, and would be polished up.
  11. At the Neogaf forums, a member called Johnnyram has been nice enough to post and translate an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto done by Nintendo Dream: Nindori: 10 years of Famicom and Super Famicom. 10 years of N64 and GC. And now another ten years is starting with Wii? Miyamoto: Yes, we're starting from here. N: Looking at the titles you've announced so far, it already seems like you'll be releasing games at a faster pace than the N64 and GC. M: That's because the machine is based on GC. Dev tools are of course being upgraded, but GC code will basically run as is. Because of that, I'm also thinking I can remake some of my GC games for Wii, making use of the Wiimote. N: So you think games will experience a rebirth thanks to the Wiimote... M: Yes. Of course you can wander into a second hand shop and buy a lot of these games still, so I don't think we can release these Wiimakes at full price. Since a lot of the development cost has already been accounted for, we'll be able to release these at a much more affordable price. And if others also take advantage of this and release Wiimakes, there's a high possibility of a lot of software from third parties also. N: So, there's a possibility of Nintendo doing this? M: Yes, I strongly believe there is. For this reason, the next Zelda will be released for both Wii and GC simultaneously. It's quite an interesting experiment. N: Ah, I see. M: Also, when we were working on it, some of the staff were saying "Since the Wii has more power than the GC, let's polish the graphics up a bit too", but Zelda's fans aren't expecting polish, they're expecting a fun and exciting game, so I said it is better if we make it fun both on Wii and GC. And recently it's been established that "Wii is not a machine that tries to deliver next-gen graphics". Of course, since there are still games that demand high quality graphics, there will be separate paths of development depending on the software. It appears that Nintendo will be remaking GC games for the Nintendo Wii... I could easily see games like Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin and perhaps The two Rouge Squadron games and Starfox Assault? Interview link: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115439
  12. Oh, how I love all these funny little conspirisy theories... reminds me a few days before the Wii-mote was shown for the first time, and everyone was posting all these weird mock-ups and fakes.... hopefully, everything about the Wii will be shown off at the Leizpig games convention so people don't make anmore of these silly conspirisy theories.
  13. The famicom controller did have a mic, but it obviouly wasn't as advanced as ones found on computers and the DS today, it was just simply blowing into the mic, it couldn't reconise voice, or the way you blowed at it... therefore, it was used much.
  14. I can easily imagine the demo system for the Wii working a bit like this: You would select the demo, and instead of it downloading it, it would stream to your Wii's memory, for example, lets say its a demo of Super Mario Galaxy, and it had two levels and one FMV (maybe), it would first stream the basic data, then the first level (when you complete it, it would be deleted) then an FMV (same as before), then the next level (same as before)...
  15. From what I can gather, the vibration also works in SMA 4: SMB 3.
  16. Sounds like a good idea, especially for those who want to lose who want to lose weight and aren't interested in videogames.
  17. Very old poll, its from when the wii-mote was revealed, I think.
  18. YUM! RAVIOLI! Its so tasty, with all that meat packed into it... wait, thats got nothing to do with Baked Beans.
  19. Nah, its not worth it, its overratedm okay, its a good game... while it lasts, its damn short... it only took me a few days to complete it.
  20. I just love Baked beans (doesn't matter, as long as the beans don't taste like sawdust, as most spanish ones do) on toast with a load of cheese melted on top of it. YUMMYNESS!
  21. The second one isn't as good, in my opinion. Its funnier, but lacks the magic the first one had.
  22. This has the potential to become the greatest thread since Dabookerman's cousins thread. Beanz meanz Heinz. Nuff said.
  23. Fish n' chips. Brilliant, the first time I've had F&Cs in 5 years! 10/10!
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