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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. I don't care. I've got a portable DVD player, and it only takes about a minute to plug it in me telly.
  2. Nintendo has promised a 2006 worldwide release, and I trust they'll acomplise that, especially since NOE are (slowly) starting to improve.
  3. If the rumour is true (that Wii Sports is included with the American Wii), I certainly hope that it'll also be included with the European one. Mind you, they'll probably just treat us like sh*t as always, and sell us a Wii plus a Wiimote and a Nunchuck attachment for double the American price.
  4. A giant Wii-mote.... I recommend you don't imagine it, the thought is quite disturbing.
  5. I used to have an iPod shuffle, and I was very happy with it, but I foolishly sold it for what you describe as a budget MP3 player, and I was anything but happy with it.
  6. I am definatly getting that iPod shuffle, because I'm currently stuck with a crappy hard-to-use MP3 player, and I want a nice, small and easy to use MP3 player like that. Plus, its quite cheap at 79 $.
  7. It was 1000 stars. Not that much, if you ask me. Those 1000 points were the most well spent ones I've ever spent.
  8. Well, actually, recently Apple ordered nVidia to make graphics cards for the iPod.... Just something for those who don't think that the iPod is powerful.
  9. Exactly what I thought. It'll go like this: The confence begins: Iwata: Hello radies and gentremen, I am Iwata, and today, we shall leveare our leverution, the Wii.... HAHAHA! *Iwata puts on a jesters hat* Iwata: IT WAS ALL A JOKE! AHAHHAHAHAA! HAVE SOME FISH FOOD! HAHAHAA! *Two minutes later, Nintendo fans walk out with Iwata's head on a stick.*
  10. We've already seen one, its called "Mario Strikers Charged".
  11. Red Shell, you put mine and everyone else's atempts to shame... Please stop, give us a chance!
  12. Oi, thats pretty much the same as the one I did before (the portal one)!
  13. I agree with you, usually, they're good at these things, but for some reason, they appear to be lacking originality at the moment.
  14. I meant "improved graphics over what I already have" über computer.
  15. Suprised no-one thought of a prey reference yet.
  16. http://mfgg.taloncrossing.com/index.php?showtopic=118423 Sorry, couldn't resist posting it there.
  17. Damn, well, there goes my plans to get teh über computer on the cheap. Well thanks anyway.
  18. Beats Jim anyday.... and Chuck Norris as well.
  19. Strange, I swear I've seen PCs in a PC cataloge with two graphics cards, connected with some fancy cable.
  20. I own two graphics cards (a Radeon 9600 and a Radeon 9250), and I was wondering if it was possible to run the two at the same time to get an optimised performence on my computer, since I've noticed recently that my local PC store is selling PCs with two graphics cards. If it is possible, what would I need?
  21. That would cost more for the developers, and since the Wii version would be more popular than the GC version, the GC version would make a loss.
  22. Quite good.... btw, THIS THREAD NEEDS MORE HENTAI!!1
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