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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. I swear if Sony had thought of the name "PlayStation Wii", Sony fanboys and all the press would be praising it.
  2. Buisness wise, this is a good move for ninty, because they've just recieved free publicity on countless sites, including BBC and CNN.
  3. Mah, I don't care about that name, but thats besides the point... I lot of people thought that the name "gameboy" was crap at first, same witht he PlayStation, or the X-BOX (original and the 360), iPods, amazon, google and yahoo, and possibly some others I forgot to mention.
  4. Good lord, some of that letter is hilarious! Am I the only one to notice those?
  5. Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow is definatly a must have, Dodgeball is also good.... oh, don't forget Akira!
  6. Surely it has to be a toaster... or a cold fusion unit at least.
  7. NOO!!! Let me out! I'm too sexy to die in a cupboard! And strangly enough, I don't mind sonic heroes, ok, it was nowhere near as good as the original sonic games, or even sonic rush, but, I prefered to to the "to much exploration, too little speed" games known as "Sonic adventure 1 & 2". I still feel however that Sonic heroes is just missing a little something, a bit more exploration, no too much, just enough, like in the original sonic games, in which you could take different paths to complete each level.
  8. Oh, may I point out that in that article, it says "mayhem" is Spanish for total chaos, well, thats a load of bullsh*t, because I speak fluent Spanish, and not once have I came across that word, and even if you go on babelfish and try to translate it, nothing comes up!
  9. From what I've heard, both versions have advantages, the gamecube version is superior in graphics in many ways, and dr salvador hadn't gone at the trees in the GC version, but the PS2 version had a extra chapter.
  10. I felt that Sonic Heroes was a bit underrated... as well as SA 2 B.
  11. I'll be selling mine, at the moment, at my local GAME, you get sell them and get about 37 euros.
  12. Starfox assault was greatly underrated, sure, it was short, but I still loved it, and the music is the best I've heard in a videogame so far.
  13. The chances are that when they finally realised the werewolf was dead, they just gave up, realising that if theres a mind (the doctor) powerful enough to realise how to defeat the werewolf, they would have very little chance.
  14. Pretend to be ill, or something, or become ill, somehow, to buy yourself some extra time.
  15. A lot of kids probably just put the blaim on various "violent" videogames for what they did because they don't want to get the blaim.
  16. I feel that the people who say games make people violent are retarded, I've played many violent games, like resi4, but that doesn't make me want to go out into the street with a shotgun mowing down anyone passing by. The only people who are actually affected by violence in videogames are very, very young children and weak-minded people.
  17. I absolulty hated this game, I felt the AI on it was unfair, even on easy mode, when it kept placing the stars near the AI characters, plus, I could never even change direction!
  18. Oooh, my collections a bit empty these days: Harvest Moon: A wonderful life. Mario kart: DD SSMB Rouge squadron 2 and 3 Metroid prime Donkey Konga.
  19. Err... what was supposed to be intresting about that?
  20. Metroid Prime 3, but with the ability to add bots in the multiplayer mode, so you can play a deathmatch alone.
  21. What I ment when I said "discuss" was "specualate".
  22. A good sander powertool does the trick.
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