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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. I think that orange plug is for an internet cable.
  2. I belive it hasbeen cancelled, because Mel Brooks said back in 2004 that it would be released either before Star Wars Episode 3 or a year after episode 3 is released, plus, nothing has been said about it since.
  3. *Hands EvilMurray a cookie and a cuppa* I completly agree with you.
  4. S***, I've beem waiting for TOO long for this, please, don't le¡t it be cancelled like SpaceBalls 2.
  5. Two words, and two words only to say about the Sony conference: "RRIIDDGGEE RRAACCEERR!" Note: I said that as a joke, for those who've seen the "Sony E3 conference in minute" video.
  6. From what I can gather, the French don't use PAL tellys, nor do they use NTSC tellys, they use another type...
  7. I don't understand those Japanese people, one minute, they're going crazy for the Nintendo Wii, next minute, they're going crazy for the PS3 and square-enix.
  8. This is why I hate the BBC, because they're so biased to Nintendo, and they don't get their info correct, and they misspelt Matt Casamassina, and they thought he was a game developer.
  9. Done with my absolutly aweso...I mean, shitty paint skills. I might do some on my computer later....
  10. Great beggining, and without a doubt, the best episode yet!
  11. http://wii.nintendo.com/games_wwsm.html Look there for details.
  12. Anyone wondering what happened to Wario Ware? Look here:http://wii.nintendo.com/games_wwsm.html WARIO WARE: SMOOTH MOVES!
  13. Is anyone able to tell me when downloadable versions of the conference should be avalible?
  14. I can't belive it, I don't actually know how I managed to miss this! Anyone know when a download will be avalible?
  15. Dairy Milk, since here in Spain, galaxy is hellishly expensive.
  16. I belive the GameSpot forums share the GameFAQs ones, so... full of fanboys and n00bs, I suppose.
  17. Akira: Finally got a chance to see this film (Picked it up at a second hand book shop at my local town, Torre Del Mar), and I loved it, the action scenes are done really well, the animation is top notch, puts disney to shame. The only thing I didn't really like was the music, it wasn't dramatic enough. 9/10.
  18. When I originally read this, I bust out laughing, how Sony plan to release the PS3 with a blu-ray drive worth 1000$, and games costing about 70$, Sony will (most likely) fall.
  19. A lot of you are getting confused, its only the beggining part, before the song, that it shows James Bond earning his 007 title.
  20. King Kong. Brilliant film, I don't understand how people can say this is a high-budget B-movie. Its just great, everything about it. The special effects, I feel, are the first that make me really think "that looks a bit too real" 10/10.
  21. Credit to www.cubed3.com for the new: I'm not bothering to post anymore of the release dates, for obvious reasons, well, anyway, this proves that the Wii will be released by October.
  22. Its said that the director of the movie "Oldboy" approched Hideo Kojima very recently (within the last few days) about making a MGS movie...
  23. I think that the wii will include 2 wii-motes and two nun-chuks, but I don't think that the nun-chuks will have motion sensors. That would just bump up the cost a lot.
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