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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. This is just like Ninty's fall, except that Nintendo still had a few great games, and they weren't in millions of dollars of debt.
  2. Its looking alot like an upgraded version of "A wonderful life", which is a good thing.
  3. Those monsters make the old Godzilla movies look high budget.
  4. I'd like to see a sequel as well, but next time, I hope it isn't on rails, but you are able to control the character freely.
  5. I wouldn't even think twice about poitning my pink wand at her pink taco.
  6. i iQue is the company that sells Nintendo products in China, the first iQue was a Nes, Snes and N64 all-in-one controller, which was just an controller which you plugged into the TV, and the games could be downloaded from kiosks (Nes, Snes and N64 games) onto a flash memory card for low prices, from what I can gather, it was quite succesful, but there wern't many games... and the second iQue produect was the iQue DS, it was more or less the same as a normal DS, besides tha it had different firmware which was in chinese, and as the iQue DS logo on it instead of the Nintendo DS logo.
  7. Post that on the gamefaqs/gamespot forums, and before you know, the entire forum will go crazy with the "ZOMG!"! M3EGATON!11" thing.
  8. My two cousins are a pair of little shits, I'd rather dip them in a vat of acid, thankyouverymuch.
  9. Gold and Silver, no doubt about it, because of the time option, 2 large landmasses, great graphics (in its time) and many other reasons.
  10. Prehaps new enemys and adding functions for Zelda TP? Such as Giant enemy crabs, or real time weapon change.
  11. Oh, I almost forgot to say, Congratulations, even though I barely know who you are.
  12. No offence, but please, piss off, and if you don't, at least try showing a bit of respect towards other members.
  13. Brilliant, especially since Filmfour became a free-to-view channel a few weeks ago.
  14. I don't really find cinema scary anymore because they now use so much fucking CGI, its no longer scary, yet movies like Alien, which was done on a low budget and had no CGI, was scary. Its the same with movies, now, its so realistic, it isn't scary.
  15. Donkey Konga 1 is awesome, but the second one loses it, with a poorer list of songs. My personal favorite song on Donkey Konga is the Super Smash Bros melee theme on medium mode.
  16. The most disturbing thought is that my Grandmother sent me that for the winter when I drive on my 50cc scooter. She most likely when to some terrorist HQ and bought one
  17. Donkey Konga 2 is naff compared to the first one, the songs are worse, and there are no mini-games!
  18. Yup, thats me, wearing a balaclava, looking rather sexy :horse:
  19. The graphics are looking better since E3.
  20. Remember everyone, there is a chance there might be a Spaceworld...
  21. 28 Days Later... Awesome movies, beats all the zombie movies you get these days by miles (coughcough*resident evil*coughcough*Dawn of the dead remake*coughcough), and with a realistic storyline and concept, plus, the music in it rocks and the mansion scene at the end is pure brilliance. 10/10.
  22. I recently bought twp while on holiday in Mallorca... I got Super Mario Bros and Zelda.
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