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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. I live in southern Spain. Not good for someone like me who can't get a tan to save his life (even during the baking hot summers here, I can't get one) I'm not weird as in "woohoo im gunna raep u!" but as in I'm... eccentric to a certain extent. By nature I'm not a violent person, so the last thing the average sane human would do is accuse me of raping her/him/it.
  2. I'm a 6 foot 1 inch gamer/I.T/film nerd with size 10 1/2 shoes (that's what it says on my shoes anyway XD). Plus, I'm known to have a quite eccentric personality. And please note: I live in a country where gamers/I.T/Film nerds are near to non-existent, and every male plays some sport (I can't due to spinal injuries).
  3. Nah, it's not that (I have learnt from past lessions, btw XD), it's just that I'm fucking weird... literally. XD
  4. Being single is really starting to make me depressed. Big time. Especially since pretty much all my mates are magnets to the female gender Even worse, the few times when I've come close to having a gf, I've always fucked it up, and the few I've had were always doing it as a fucking prank (first one went off with my best mate, and later confessed it was all a prank, second one accused me of trying to rape her , and third one just wanted me for my fecking motor scooter).
  5. Had a really, really fucking shit day today. A Lass whom I hoped I had chances with turned me down (btw, I did date her once, believe it or not)... -sigh- Now I've just realised that I've been single since... Forever
  6. Did someone just push this thread off a very, very tall cliff?
  7. Having very close contacts with Nintendo, I can confirm that the next Zelda game will take place in the Ghettos of Hyrule City. Link's main objective will be to tag graffiti over M.C Ganondorf's territory, take part in gang ways, and gangrape.... Please don't kill me.
  8. My two (latest) dogs are called Tizo and Zack. Both after resturants.
  9. Well, what more would you expect from this moronic society we live in these days?
  10. And then, they wrap it up and sell it at the meat counter.
  11. Yesterday, I payed for half of a litre of Jameson Whisky and Coke (my mate payed the other half, since we were celebrating my birthday), which not only came to 3 euros (the whole thing was 6.50 euros), but it also made me drunkish
  12. Btw, since I'm (properly) celebrating my birthday with my mates tomorrow, I shall provide pics of the mad night that will insue.
  13. Please don't make me cry by showing me that image (and reminding me that I can never possibly afford it)
  14. Happy -insert age here- birthday, -insert subject name here-!
  15. Massive amounts of win have been detected within this sector.
  16. I'm about 6 foot 1 inch, and I'm the tallest person in my family. Weird.
  17. I honestly don't see the lack of leap to HD as a bad thing. Why? Not only because it increases the cost of the console greatly, but also because it means that games are currently harder and more expensive to develop for, and Nintendo have always been about developing a large amount of quality titles per year, and since the average AAA title (Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl) cost around 5 - 10 million dollars to develop, imagine how much more they would have cost if it was done in HD. Take Halo 3 for example. The first and second Halo weren't done on an exactly huge budget (around the same as a AAA Wii game), but the third one cost around 15 - 20 million dollars to develop (Doesn't include marketing, btw), and one of the main reasons for that is because it was in HD. Enough said?
  18. Pretty much everything I do is considered to be quirky and/or strange. Seriously.
  19. Singleness... Please, don't remind me
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