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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. You sound like the Bizzaro Universe version of Brian Mcoy, in which he speaks in the 2nd Person rather than the 3rd.
  2. I'm reconised by about one person here: Hellfire, after we discovered our love for (the Japanese, obviously) Godzilla. Other than that, I feel a little like a ghost here
  3. I can hear an earthquake like sound when I move my ears.
  4. Right, this is really weird, take a look at this: http://www.game.es/ficha/ficha.aspx?sku=053338 As you can see, it's the spanish GAME website... They've still got No More Heroes listed for the 29th... How odd. Well, if it's true, then I shall buy it on Launch day and mock everyone since they'll have to wait longer
  5. Extremely simple answer, Vicar: The Banana Phone song (speeded up version). My current ringtone is one of an old phone that's default in Nokia phones these days. I would put one of my own in, but the cable to plug it into a PC costs around 40 euros and it hasn't got Bluetooth.
  6. If you're so deperate to watch some porn or go on "controversial" sites, use a proxy like Spysurfing or one of the millions of "Myspace" proxies out there.
  7. Did you ever see the remake of "The Fly" released in the 80's? If you did, do you remember the scene when the baboon first when through the teleport and was turned inside out? You'd look like that.
  8. You wouldn't be able to eat it. You'll just be beaten into a bloody pulp of human flesh. Sounds tempting now?
  9. The first person to say "High School Musical" in this thread will be brutally beaten with a Austrian Salami.
  10. Tell me something, if you dressed up as a lass, did your missus go dressed up as a bloke?
  11. Because if he doesn't get a new one, his Wii will explode. True story.
  12. That is too the conclusion I came to (anyone who has seen my photo will agree with me).
  13. Shop-keeper sells Chocolate Cake with human faeces sprinkled on it. Also, inb/4 Cake Is A Lie.
  14. He's only producing it, unfortunatly, which means he has little involvement in the film. On the other hand, if he was directing, the film might have had a little chance of being half-decent.
  15. I've decided to leave a transcript/translation of the letter I recieved here... Why? Dunno... For your entertainment, I suppose (the highlighted parts are my personal comments).
  16. Even if you suffer from a serious Cocoa allergy?
  17. NO THIS IS SPA-gets violently kicked in the groin-
  18. I recieved a weird letter yesterday from an anonymous lass who wants me, apparently. She left her msn on it, but has yet to sign in. Personally, I'm suspicious it's a prank.
  19. By doing a Barrel Roll, followed by the Konami code.
  20. Scarface. Say hello to my little friend. 10 cocaine drived frenzies out of 10.
  21. Predator. Freaking awesome. That's all I need to say... Well, I've got something to say about it.... GET TO DA CHOPPAH! 9 rats almost exterminated by the Predator out of 10.
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