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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. Ah, I see... Well, you should consider going to Málaga one of these days. Ok, it's not near to Alicante, but it's the birth place of one of the world's most important artists, Picasso. Note: Recommending Málaga due to the Picasso museum and actually living not far from Málaga are mear coincidence. Seriously.
  2. I know what you mean, but if Jorge Lucas and Esteveno Espeliburgo wanted it to be as old school as they liked to think it is, they would have gone with more traditional effects, like miniatures, mattes, stop-motion, etc. However, with the CGi, especially in the jungle, it didn't help matters that it look awful, especially for a high budget production (around 185 million dollars). What was nice though was the set designs, and I'm surpised they did it, since Jorge Lucas is on the team, after all
  3. Indiana Jones And The -insert long title here- Definatly not as bad as people claim it to be, but not as good as, say, the first and third parts (I didn't enjoy the second one at all). My main complaints would be the following: 1) The communists. They were just boring, tbh, and weren't memorable, unlike the Nazis. 2) Nuclear fridge. 3) Steven Spielburg said they'd be only a bit of CGi... WTF?! Did someone take over during the jungle scenes, and the finale? Those were so fucking CGi intense, it was unimaginable. Plus, it didn't help that it was bad CGi. Especially the jungle. 4) Motherfucking monkeys. 5) Although I liked the alien plot (since the film is partially a homage to the Sci-Fi movies of the 50s), I didn't feel the ending was pulled off very well. On the whole, I enjoyed the first Half to 3/4, but then it just took a drop in quality, unfortunatly. Never the less, I give this film a 7.1/10.
  4. This wins the entire thread. I salute you sir
  5. EEVILMURRAY is late with his image... Anyhoo, happy birthday, Don Moria.
  6. I learnt from videogames that hitting a crab's weakpoint causes massive damage. Yeah, you can beat the shit out of me now if you want.
  7. The only way to recover from a viewing of High School Musical is a lobotomy, unfortunately. Either that, or the Kudovico treatment.
  8. The story reminds me a little of No More Heroes... :S
  9. I thought I'd tell you guys (the ones interested in running Ubuntu) that I'm currently typing this on Ubuntu installed via Wubi, and tbh, it's fantastic. The installer couldn't have been any easier to use, I've yet to see slow-down, and I haven't lost all my windows files. So, on the whole, I highly recommend the Wubi installer.
  10. What a bizarre coincidence. I feel that due to this coincidence, we should mourn together. ... ... ... ... Or perhaps not.
  11. No-one vote for Spain. Please. It has one of the shittiest songs imaginable, called "Baila El Chiki Chiki", which apparently is a song for geeks, although it's a known fact that all geeks hate the song. Seriously, it's a load of fucking bollocks, and seeing adverts for it on every website you go to, and hearing it everytime you enter a fucking supermarket is beyond monotonous.
  12. Damn, I have such shitty, shitty luck. Why, you ask? Well, my trip to England (week long) starts on June 27th... Yeah, brilliant
  13. Wubi does not work like a virtual machine. It still works like a traditional Ubuntu installation, except it runs a little slower due to how the files are installed (instead of installing them on a seperate partition, it installs it within a directory in Windows).
  14. I absolutly fucking hate with a burning passion that new Halifax advert. Seriously, who the fuck thinks these adverts are even a good idea. They just make me want to violently shove pineapples up their rectums. Btw, if you have no idea what advert I'm referring to, it's one with this annoying Asian **** called "Thomas" who sings in a eardrum-bursting voice about the Halifax bank.
  15. If I may point out, the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (8.04) comes with Wubi, which allows you to install Ubuntu to a Windows directory (instead of a partition), and will function in exactly the same way as Ubuntu would with a traditional instalation.
  16. I salute you, and simutaneously praise you for your superior taste.
  17. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Second time I've seen it, and as enjoyable as always. Plus, it's only of the only films in existence (for me) that makes me feel really sad at the end, and when the ending is approaching, it provokes a very gut feeling within me. On the whole, I give this film a 9.9/10.
  18. Apparently, the story turned out to be fake. Sorry.
  19. I used to own one of the Nintendo Star Catalogue pre-release DSs with Super Mario 64 DS, Wario Ware DS demo. Metroid Prime Hunters demo and a DS t-shirt, but the t-shirt got destroyed and I foolishly sold the DS before I realised that it was one of 500 in the whole of Spain, and one of around 5000 in the whole of the world. :'(
  20. Cost 25 euros, with which I got the following (for a total of 2200 points, 200 of which were left-over from a previous card) I also got... For 10 euros. A steal, if you ask me.
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