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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. Kazakhstan greatest country in the world, All other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium, all other countries have inferior potassium. Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool, it’s length thirty meter and width six meter. Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 83 percent of human solid waste. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place, From Plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown. Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan, They very nosey people with bone in their brain. Kazakhstan industry best in the world, we invented toffee and trouser belt. Kazakhstan's prostitutes cleanest in the region, except of course Turkmenistan's. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place, From Plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown. Come grasp the might penis of our leader from junction with the testes to tip of its face! Btw, a little bit of trivia. I know that song off by heart, and often sing it with friends at school.
  2. Looking at that screenshot, you can easily see that the buildings are actually very simple-looking, it just has some fancy blur and lighting effects to make it look prettier. So basically, yes, the Wii could actually handle something like that
  3. Damn, I just realised that since I bought it on saturday, I've already clocked in 8:30 hours, and 5 hours yesterday alone! (Note, that's a lot for me, especially since I can't bare to play the very same game for more than 2 hours a day without getting bored). So far, my impressions are fantastic. The game itself it extremely fun (with some of the best dialogue in any game), and, contrary to what nearly everyone here says, I actually love Santa Destroya, and often spend ages exploring it.
  4. Patriotism is why I hate every single Roland Emmerich movie.
  5. No, you can't. If you do, you will provoke a paradox within the time/space continium, provoking the entire existence of the universe! Or perhaps it'll just be limited to our half of the galaxy.
  6. Unfortunatly, your answer is a wee bit too late. I went out and bought NMH. Thanks for the advice anyway.
  7. Damn, I don't know what I should do tomorrow. I'll probably just have enough money to buy either this, No More Heroes, or Fire Emblem. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
  8. [quote name='welsh_gamer;699020 Planet Terror Awesome! Great acting' date=' dialogue, action, directing, everything! All men will enjoy something about this film, but I doubt women would enjoy it very much. [u'] I also want Machette to be made into a real film! [/u] 9/10It is. Although it was originally going to be filmed as a pack-in for Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez announced a few months back that it was now going to be released in cinemas. I can't remember when it'll be out... Check the Wikipedia or IMDB or something.
  9. Holy shit, Chaper 6-2, for some bizzare reason, it easily one of the creepiest levels I've ever come across in any game I've ever played. Seriously.
  10. Okay, I've been out, and I got myself some Thermal Grease/Paste/Silicon/whatever, and it's now working perfectly again. Infinite thank-yous for everyone who helped out.
  11. Thermal paste? Now what could Dr. Mcphee mean by thermal paste? No-one's ever mentioned such a thing to me.
  12. It's been happening for a while now, although it only stopped working when I removed the fan.
  13. Recently, I noticed my CPU was over-heating due to a lack of a clean-up (as in the inside of the computer was full of dust), and I removed the CPU fan to clean it up. When I put it back in (and plugged the electric cable back in as well), and I turned on my computer, it now refuses to go past the first few seconds of the Windows XP Boot screen. Although I did manage to log onto my account twice, it always went off after a couple of minutes. Before you comment, take the following into account: No cables are loose (I've checked them over countless times), it isn't the HDD (since I was able to log onto my account with no problems a couple of times), it isn't dust, the processor is definatly not loose (since the BIOS reconises it, and I also checked three times), and all the fans are definatly working (I had it on with the case open to make sure). However, it might be something to do with over-heating, since I've noticed an odd, almost sizzling-like sound (although there's definatly no burning, and the PC's components are never hot when the PC goes off). Any help would be massivly appreciated.
  14. Those HotD4 pics look weird... Although you can see the models have got bump-mapping and other somewhat advanced shaders on them, all of them have somewhat low-res textures, and an even lower poly-count.
  15. The Last King Of Scotland I'll keep this short, since I'm typing this on my Wii. Absolutly brilliant, and Forest Whitaker's performence as Amin is worth the price alone. However, two certain scenes near the end made me a bit "eeew"ish, which lowers the general score. 9/10
  16. Jesus Christ, what a lot of utter wankage. I felt like vomiting blood during that trailer.
  17. Wallace And Gromit - Curse Of The Wererabbit. F*** CGi animated movies, stop-motion animation beats it anyday. Not only is it a fun movie to watch in general (all other CGi animated movies, and the majority of American/European animation films pale in comparision, in my opinion), but also, the animation has a lot more spirit in it than CGi, and the characters just seem... More expresive really. In general, I love this film, and whoever says Wallace and Gromit is for little children should have a pineapple violented shoved up their rectum. We need more Stop-Motion animated films like this! 9.6 slices of Stinking Bishop Cheese out of 10.
  18. But the main question still remains... Can you play Doom on it?
  19. Fuck the Wii version, I'll take a Gameboy version!
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