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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. OMG £5 to the first person to make a green lanturn SC IV char :P
  2. QFT. Also it's a hell of a lot cheaper, you can get Lumines 1+2 together for about £20.
  3. QFT Lumines is one of the most orgasmic experiences i've ever had playing a game. You just get in a zone and get totally blissed out ^_^ Especially when you can pick the skins to play in Lumines 2. Why isn't there a Lumines for PS3?! :'(
  4. That's disappointing, not so bothered about the pre-order now. This aint yo mamas disgaea.
  5. :O:O Wish that had come out about 2 months ago :'(
  6. Ordered D3. Last game before christmas for me i fear, except LBP. Damn student life!
  7. Will the PS3 register trophies from the US version and will there be paid for DLC in Disgaea 3?
  8. Is that site a good one to order from?? I NEEED Disgaea 3 in my life now!!
  9. Ticket to Birmingham £11.50 online cos i'm lazy YUM!!!
  10. Gods are awesomer. Cats are part of the legion of the devil. Dogs are uber cute and fun and live to make you happy ^_^
  11. Why do i find NPHarris so attractive?! I don't get it, but it doesnt change the fact i would love to get naked with the fella.
  12. Good good, add me on some social networking site or msn/aim. I'm not always around on here these days, as you may have guessed.
  13. Amazing song ^_^ I don't take songs personally, as in i never think one relates so much to me that i take it as my own. But, one of the most magical moments i've had listening to music was listening to Centrefolds by Placebo on my way home from college when it was heavily snowing. The snow flakes, and whiteness blocking out almost everything out the window, mixed with the song and feelings of loneliness and how fragile life is. Not everyone is happy and everyone dies are a few of the rather depressing things i thought about in those 4 mins of the song playing. But it was incredibly emotional.
  14. I love the 360 pad. The console itself is a piece of crap. Overheating, noisey as hell, disc read errors, ejecting errors etc. Mine had disc read errors, refused to play DVDs-any DVD-but was fine playing games(till it got a disc read error), plus you can't easily back up the HDD i don't think. And did i mention it's fecking loud?! It's not an issue when you're playing games (unless it's a quiet game) but still, damn loud! No console is problem free but the 360 is the shoddiest piece of hardware i've had since i got rid of my HP laptop for my mac. If you can live without fable 2, gears 2 and a couple of other games, the reliability of the PS3 is worth it. But all consoles can fuck up, the 360 just fucks up significantly more often than the Wii or PS3.
  15. I do already STV would be fun if i didn't need a possie round me to protect me from the bastarding Alliance! i was stuck in grom gol for about 15 mins after getting killed 4 times, by a lvl 70 full geared gnome mage. Took the pee.
  16. Priests are great, but do all classes get a bit dull after lvl 40?
  17. is it any good? i have it also and am yet to start it.
  18. Awww bless, i think it's trying to communicate in some ancient tongue. We need to study this creature.
  19. Light weight.
  20. Wall.E 20/10 Just perfection, seriously!!
  21. I find the show dull now. South Park however is still as fun as the first series IMO.
  22. Sounds weird but i think Wall.e is a better film than The Dark Knight. Both are amazing, and very different, but Wall.e just is perfection!
  23. Fucking awesome!!! I want one . . . *jots down on to my Christmas list* ^_^
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