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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. Manchester Pride starts today!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! And i'm going to the gayest place on earth a week on saturday, losing my flight virginity and going to Gran Canaria. Only just learnt where it is! Who knew it was off the west coast of Africa?!
  2. i'm resisting subbing for another month of wow as i'm going to be away for 2 weeks so there's no point. lvl 13 shaman and a lvl 47 priest is what i will be playing come september 13th when i get back.
  3. I'm going on holiday to gran canaria next week. T'will be my first holiday abroad for 11 years, and my first time on a plane . . . Crazy! Tickets were booked yesterday and i'm going Aug 30-12th September. Downside is that i can't work for them days obviously, nor can i play wow, so i have week of not being glued to the front of my mac :O
  4. Jesus! A year is a looooong time to wait for useless European translations I won't need. It's bad enough waiting a couple of weeks for . . . . . . This to be delivered! Soooo excited I don't expect to get it before Dom despite ordering JUST before him mwahahaaa.
  5. Pride tomorrooowwww *does happy dance* And boy i'm seeing will be round tonight again *does happy dance parte deux* And might be staying at his on Friday *happy dance parte trois* And might have a threesome this weekend And will be going to Gran Canaria curtsey of my friend, so my plane virginity will be snatched soon after my Pride virginity. *happy dance*
  6. Loco Roco 2 = instant get!!! And if the PSP-3k is at a reasonable price i may buy one to make my PSP portable again . . . The iPhone has made me less tolerant of things taking up space in my pocket. The PSP atm lives in my bag, or on my shelf in my room. My iPhone is my bus journey killer.
  7. I say get rid of scotland is they want to be independant and see how long they last with their so called 'economy' which is entirely based on americans visit castles and lock ness. I get really fucked off when scottish people claim that independence would be a good thing. The SNP are a bunch of dickheads.
  8. Should've got an iPhone Or at least got it form the shop.
  9. That should be fun, will be looking forward to reading that later tonight or tomorrow morning maybe
  10. Just got up, but i expect it to be a good day, have an interview at 4, then a date at 6.30, followed by some very good sex i'm betting, if the last time anything happened was to go by.
  11. I'll be seeing you there! She played last November as well, but i didnt get to see her
  12. OH MY LORD!!! Roisin Murphey has just been announced as headlining Manchester Pride's Main Stage this Sunday!!! Sooooo god damn excited AAAAAAAAH!! ^_^ And she's playing in Manchester in November again! Woooooop! Cannot wait, surely worth the price of a wristband to pride!
  13. OH MY LORD!!! Roisin Murphey has just been announced as headlining Manchester Pride's Main Stage this weekend! Sooooo god damn excited AAAAAAAAH!! ^_^
  14. Erm, if you like clubbing it's heaven, otherwise it's like a really busy, drug filled, sex crazed weekend.
  15. Next you'll love Macs ^_^ Yup, 2.0 is more unstable than 2.0.1. Another good tip is only installing apps on iTunes before syncing them across to the phone. If you have any problems and need to quit an app hold down the home button till it goes back to the main screen. If you wanna reset the iPhone, if it totally freezes, then hold the sleep/wake button at the top along with the home button for 10 seconds and it'll turn off. ^_^
  16. QFT ^_^ It's a great great great phone, but it has a couple of issues, like it's instability under 2.0.1, infrequently annoying when it happens. However, it's a small price to pay for native apps
  17. Manchester Pride this year looks incredible fun!!! http://www.manchesterpride.com/whatson/ WOOP WOOP!! Funniest bit: The womens only club night at Alter Ego called 'Fishtank', featuring DJ furey playing banging tunes in the fussy pussy room. I lie not!!
  18. At last! More people have developed a taste for awesome anime <3 Woop!
  19. I'm playing it too atm, but i much prefer a turn based battle system. However, a change is refreshing.
  20. Oh my jesus! Got up this morning, looked at the medal table and we're third OH MY! Loved the last of the rowing this morning <3 The Olympics, been totally addicted. Fuck Big Brother, this is entertainment
  21. Who said anything about wasting money?!
  22. Actually, in what position do people have their PS3's in? I have mine horizontal as there's a vent at the bottom and i dont like discs spinning vertically. Seems like there could be a problem.
  23. CBA. And i don't want to bastardise my mac and start worrying about viruses and crashing and the like. I'm in still in love with my mac as it is, so i can wait for an OS X version. Just hope it's a better port than the C&C 3 one. That was annoying.
  24. 1 = Twitter guy. I really rather like this Irish fella i'm seeing, and he's stupidly good in bed. 2 = haha, i did go about 4 weeks without sex, was very unusual.
  25. Wake me up when the Mac version gets announced . . . cheers
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