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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. I don't go on holidays it seems, so thats a dead end.
  2. They've just cut the price of ALL iPods in the US, so same thing here by tomorrow i expect. Well, if you have the money and want a well mac laptop, get a MacBook Pro with the discount, three years etc. If after a few weeks you can't stand OS X (which is very very unlikely) you can always use bootcamp and throw on a copy of XP. Then you have the choice of OS X or Windows on start up. The 13" MacBook Pro hardware is very very sexy! Light up keyboard, ambient light sensor, multi touch trackpad, firewire i/o, built in SD card reader, built in iSight camera and mic, VERY sexy bright display, good Intel Core2Duo processor, latest chipsets really, and it's not at all bulky, it's like an inch thick! You're not shooting yourself in the foot at all with a MacBook Pro and the educational discount. But you're limiting yourself if you go for the cheaper laptops. I spent over £1,150 on my first mac, but i've had it for 2.5 years, it's still an amazing machine, not a single days problem with it. Whereas, all the other PCs in my life seemed to last a year and then have some kind of hardware failure. So for me it's more about VALUE for money, rather than just the price tag. I don't mind paying more if i end up with a computer i'm a lot happier with that will last me for a minimum 3 years. I say minimum because i would like to upgrade to the new unibody design, but the specs in the latest MBPs aren't a big enough jump for me to warrent the upgrade, so i'll probs have this mac for another 2-3 years ^_^ Additon: 13" MacBook Pro specs, for people suggesting alternatives http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/specs-13inch.html
  3. I feel the problem now is the religious don't ignore you. And the religious are trying their damndest in certain countries to control laws. And in this country it really feels a bit like a war between secular western ideologies and hardcore Islamic conservativism. So it's getting increasingly hard to ignore religions. Speaking of, was talking about climate change with my hairdressor (deep i know) and somehow i eventually got her to see how all religions are just man made and equally fallacious. Was a good morning on the whole lol
  4. 6pm our time i believe, check gizmodo et al for live blogging goodness. My betting is, they HAVE to do something beatles related :/ why the fuck else would they have it on 9/9/09 when normally their PCs are on a Tuesday?! New ipods, cheaper touch, iTunes 9 and maybe some app store changes i think. nothing earth shattering but i hope iTunes 9 will be pushed out tonight.
  5. Haha no i don't work for Apple. 3 years ago i hated Apple and refused to buy an iPod ect etc. Now i would'nt buy anything but a mac. The best thing is to have a poke around the Apple site. iLife is not Office, it's more of a way of making content. iPhoto for editing and managing photos, GarageBand for making music etc http://www.apple.com/ilife/ More info: here Uni discounts are usually in the region of 15% off, and about £200 off the AppleCare for the mac. So a hefty saving. I wouldn't recommend a white macbook, Get the 13" MacBook Pro. Like i said earlier, if you HAVE to use a specific program which doesnt run on OS X then you may as well stay on Windows. Mac's are great high end consumer, and business computers, especially for design and science. They don't crash as often as windows computers, they don't have random borked error messages, the OS/software and hardware are all made by one company, so if there are any problems they're easily solveable in one phone call. Try one. You can stick to the same old if you want, and follow the windows updates, or you can leap over to try something different. A lot of people i know have bought their first macs due to me, and not a single one has regretted it or gone back to windows. Life is just simplier and less hassle on a mac. A number of the people have said it feels like their macs are working for them rather than against them, which is how they felt about windows PCs. It's all about preference. If you like upgrading your hardware, high end gaming etc and are happy dealing with the windows annoyances of viruses etc, disk defrag, firewalls, adware etc then you'll be happy with a windows pc. And windows 7 does look like a decent update of XP after the abortion known as vista. But if you're bored of waiting for your computer to scan for things, and want it to just work for you, then it'll be more than worth trying out a mac. It IS different, but once you get over the initial alien feeling it's great and more than worth the extra money in my opinion, and from what i've been told the opinion of more than ten other people who i've influenced into buying a mac. I don't get anything out of there being more mac users, i just think it's a genuinely better way of living your digital life is all.
  6. Sims 3 is, WoW is too. If you look on the WoW box it says PC/Macintosh. Bennefits include but are not limited to, no viruses, no disk defragmentation, iLife 09 is awesome and free with every mac, you can STILL run windows, or any OS if you really have to, they're great pieces of hardware, OS features like expose-spaces-spotlight-finder make multi tasking a LOT easier. Best thing to do is play on a mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard and try things out. I also think you can get a refund within 14 days, no questions asked, if you buy one new and don't like it. Which kinda shows you how confident Apple are that you'll love the mac. Apple stores are the best place to go if you can, the employees can show you what the OS can do, that windows dreams of doing etc etc, also you can have as much hands on time as you want and ask all your questions there. I've never found them to be pushy people, they just love macs, they don't really care too much if you buy one or not.
  7. NO windows software runs a mac, unless you use bootcamp/VMware etc to run windows in some way. You need mac software. For almost every program you use there's a mac version of a mac equivalent. Microsoft Office 2007 is Microsoft Office Mac 2008 etc etc so you'd need to rebuy those programs if you wanted to use them. Apple now have some great videos for switchers, so i suggest checking them out too. http://www.apple.com/uk/findouthow/mac/ Expect a 2 week learning curve where you're not always sure where things are, but a quick google will help you figure everything out, or a quick question to some of the mac users on here. Eventually everything just clicks, and Macs start making a lot more sense than windows computers ever could. In terms of files, the apple store offer a service wher eyou can migrate all your files accross from your old PC to your new Mac, or you can do it yourself. When buying a new mac i recommend the Apple Care, which is a three years extended warrenty. I moved from PC to Mac in 2007 and I have never looked back. The only caveats are, if you have a piece of software that only runs in windows, or are a big PC gamer, then you'll have to install windows onto the mac and go back to all the issues with antiviruses, disk defragmentation and trojan funtimes that normal windows computers have to deal with. As long as you're not a big PC gamer, I can't see how a mac can be wrong for you. Things on a mac are just simplier, more good looking, and just plain better imo.
  8. Clear visual downgrade between Prime GC and Prime Wii.
  9. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon steel book case ^_^ Omnomnomnom
  10. Congratulations on the new baby :P I sooo want a pretty 15" MBP baby to replace my mature 2.16 GHz MBP if only i had a spare £1.5k lying around :'(
  11. I ended up spending the 1000 points on LostWinds because i'm playing through the Metroid Prime Trilogy as it is, after that i'll play Super Metroid Thanks everyone ^_^
  12. Thanks to Metroid Prime Trilogy i'm actually using my Wii again :/
  13. Somebody who can actually sing live, that's who!
  14. Bullshit - Vatican Edition Just in case people hadn't seen it. My view: Religion is not inherently 'evil'. But it is used as a way of controlling people, and spreading misinformation while beating down as much as possible anything that restricts the religions power over people. Religions used to take the role of being able to explain things, it was a 'best explanation' for life and the universie. Since the Enlightenment, religion is no longer the best explanation for what we see or experience, if any explanation at all. Science is a far better explainer than religion can ever hope to be. So I view religion as being a part of our history, but a relic of our silly, helio-centric viewpoint. When talking about religions it's important to seperate the cultural traditions side of things from the actual belief systems. It can be heard to do this but it will allow you to see a religion for what it is and analyse what exactly followers get out of it. Personally, I hate religion. All religion. Without exception. (I was raised a Catholic btw, and would identify as one for the first 12 years of my life or so, btw.)
  15. Have you no shame boy!
  16. I played the DKC games on SNES when they came out, but was too young to appreciate Metroid. Thanks for the continued help in deciding how i spend this bit of money stuffs.
  17. I have turned on my wii for the first time in about 9 months today. Found i have 1100 wii points to spend on something. I was thinking maybe Super Metroid. Other suggestions maybe? please? Thanks
  18. £10 - fucking bargain!!! Going to get it signed by the big man himself in a couple of months <3 Couldn't resist really. Should make me feel better after an arguement with my mother ruined my plans for tonight. Got to Game JUST before they closed
  19. Whoops! I just bought this after FINALLY giving Prime 3 a go. Now i have two copies of this fun games series I have the GAME branded component cables, seems to do the job alright, though i haven't compared it with the over twice as a expensive official cabls so i can't comment about which is better. What unlockables are there in the game and how do you get them? In Prime GC you had to scan the shit out of everything that moved and didnt move to unlock the art galleries etc. Is that still the case in this collection?
  20. I really like fat princess, but sometimes the games can go on for too long, and it starts feeling a bit blah! But it's a tiny bit over priced, £9.99 seems like the right price for it. New maps and/or classes will add some new life and variety to the game. Not an instant buy, but one of the best PSN games for sure.
  21. Mmmmm Flower! I recommend getting PixelJunk Eden because it's just stunning. But you get a demo of BF 1943 so try for an hour before you buy - i found myself not liking it so i bought Fat Princess anywho. Yay, btw, for a new Fat Princess map soon ^_^
  22. I'll get SC when I'm done with Dissidia me thinks. Stupid to release two great fighting-ish games on the same day. SCEE are idiots :P
  23. Pretty much decided i'm going to buy the PSP Dissidia bundle tomorrow as i'm selling my ol' PSP 1k to a mate. Excited Was a bit annoyed at the limited editions mini soundtrack CD which is unusable in my mac So i'm just sticking with the normal edition as a pack in ^_^
  24. Same. The first half of next year is going to be busy enough without playing some upscaled PS2 games. Gimme now! lol
  25. True. The review you flamed PS3 for was a review of the 360 VERSION!!! I think that the addition of full voice acting alone clearly marks the PS3 version as the better option for series fans who know what to expect from the game series. And as Sheikah says, how the fuck can anyone accurately compare the 360 version with the PS3 version when the PS3 version isn't friggin out yet? :/ Fanboy much? :/ Clearly you hate Sony and are more than happy with a console with a stupidly high failure rate, ridiculously loud DVD drive, proprietary HDD, £50 wifi adapter and £40 a year fee to play games with your friends online. Fair enough, but don't spout bullshit about a 'better' version of a game to which you have no grounds to form an accurate comparison. ps. I read the review today, thought the guy who revied it was just not a fan of JRPGs so the 5/10 score is bullshit. Gametrailers gave it 8.8, gamespot 8.5 and IGN 82. I'm starting to question my trust in GamesTM for reviews.
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