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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. Thanks I sold my 80GB a while ago because I didn't need it after buying an iPhone. A guy i'm seeing has agreed to lend me his external, so now all i need to do is buy a decent HDD for the PS3 When you make a back up of your PS3, what kind of file does it make? Is all the information just stored in a folder, or is it all hidden in a package? I ask because he might want me to keep his data on the external HDD.
  2. Thank you Now to procure an external HDD. hmmmmm. Only one in my house is my Time Capsule
  3. I'm selling my old PSP fat to a mate, and with the money i'm upgrading to a slim one, was just wondering, since i wont bother hacking the system, am i beter off getting a PSP 2000 or a PSP 3000? Muchos gracias
  4. YAAAAY!!! I'm going to buy a 250GB HDD in the next couple of weeks, stick it in a carrige and back up then swap the HDDs round and nab myself a 40GB external for all my pron and TV shows :P Thanks
  5. Truefacts, also you can boot into 64bit mode if you ever have a reason to, by holding down the 6 and 4 key on start up apparently 32bit FTW though, 64 won't matter for a good chunk of time yet.
  6. Even if i had a BC PS3 i'd buy God of War and GoW 2 for the 720p lovelyness and trophies. Though i do have a PS2 under my TV. watching composite PS2 graphics on a big HDTV is eye wateringly bad.
  7. I really want some other animated themes besides the default sparkles one. I really like being able to easily jump into iPlayer, lame it's not HD. I also like how you don't need to highlight a friend to see what they're playing now. Just wish we could use that cool new squares theme from the PSN store quick menus to access games stored in folders. That would be sweet and a bit like the stacks feature in OS X <3 Bought Infamous today as well Does anyone know if i back up my PS3 to an external HDD if it's a full useable back up? And if I do this back up will I be able to access my SingStore stuff when i swap it in for the old HDD? It's lame how quickly a 40GB HDD fills up. I can't play GTA IV or Fallout 3 because they require a huge chunk of HDD i dont have available YAAAAY! This makes me happy
  8. Any intel core 2 duo mac is 64-bit, but the really big gains are on macs which have 4GB and more of RAM in.
  9. I assume this game is man enough to allow me to swap between japanese and english voice acting, riiiiiiiight?
  10. Wasn't that just a review of the game as a whole rather than just of the enhanced PS3 version? As far as I can see he moans about chat bubbles and the lack of full voice acting, something the PS3 version has :/ What's new in the PS3 version compared to the 360 one:
  11. Yup, ones today get a disc thrown in, ones bought in a month or two have it preinstalled.
  12. I'm really looking forward to the PS3 release Wooo!
  13. I love the expose changes. They're so so good ^_^ I also love how stacks is finally useable. It does feel snappier and my laptop seems to be quieter than it was on Leopard (C2D 2.16GHz MacBook Pro, 2GB ram, 128MB ATI X1600) So yay! I also did an erase and install, so the snappyness is assisted by the extra 40 GB of space i've managed to save by essentially removing all the crap from my mac. I really like QuickTime X too. It was well worth the early wake up on Friday to get it asap on to my Mac Best £25 I've spent in a while. It came out just after the start of our second year. Oct/Nov ish i think.
  14. iPod shuffle! Though it's so tiny he may loose it :/
  15. BlizzCon 2009 Live Stream Whiiiiiiiiich means i get this little fella as well
  16. I'd say get a PS3, it's cheaper in the long run, more reliable, plays Blurays for when you want that, you can swap out the HDD and replace it with a larger laptop drive, back up the drive via usb to keep things safe, and it's bloody quiet. Most games are multiformat but I'd argue Sony's original PSN games are better than the 360 equivalent.
  17. Not quite. PSP Go = €250 PS3 Slim = €299 Right?
  18. Yay! Persona 3 for PSP
  19. This game collection is probably the only reason why my Wii hasn't been sold yet. That and it's a great GameCube
  20. I'm just looking forward to the Placebo videos on VidZone tomorrow :/
  21. I bought the video on iTunes. Whoooops <3
  22. I think they have removed or are removing that now, since you can soon transfer characters between factions on the same server.
  23. Make that a 73 BElf priest on Genjuros, along with my 21 Tauren shaman and 16 Tauren druid
  24. Loving leveling my 72 priest on Genjuros. PvP realms FTW :P
  25. I think anyone who plays bad games like Terminator Salvation or Quantum of Solace, just to get platinums is a trophy whore.
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