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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. I have a 40GB one too but i've not had any issue with HDD space. At all. And i have a few downloadable games, and all the games i have that can be installed are installed.
  2. No, he's a guy who's TOO into me who i really should have a word with. When was i ever not?
  3. I think i've accidentally got myself a boyfriend . . . Do people in relationships wanna hang out all the time, fuck like bunnies, and text each other a lot everyday? This troubles me. I'm troubled. May i take a moment? . . . . Perkipsy.
  4. Do you really need to add a new HDD when you've only just got the console T_K? You could use the money to buy PJ Eden and Monsters <3
  5. I've had crushes on a few people, just little ones though, nothing epic. Quite a few members of this forum have been past crushes of mine . . . weird . . .
  6. You have the same name as me. "This troubles me. I'm troubled, your honour. May i take a moment? . . . ."
  7. You are aware that your soul will now burn in hell for eternity. REPENT THOU SINNER!!
  8. I installed it straight away. Playing a 360 copy in a shop the difference was extremely noticeable. And very often.
  9. I love the option to install in SC IV. Saves SOOOOO much time inbetween battles!
  10. Roisin is amazing, been loving her hard since Ruby Blue and Moloko before that <3 Batty as fuck but brilliant!! And X is a fantastic pop album, it's at least on a par with Madonna's Confessions. But Kylie has more class, better producers, and better lyrics. The best songs off X are Nu-di-ty, In My Arms, No More Rain and Like A Drug. IMO anywho.
  11. Exactly!! <3 the Freemason's Vocal Club Mix of The One <3
  12. Ash, you really outdid yourself with the title :P It's called by your brain swelling, generally. So no, unless you want a full brain removal?! Hope you had a sexual day ^_^
  13. Lolz. Well, it's music, just happens to be an artist adored by the gay coomunity generally. We can't help it if we have taste :P
  14. True, i too thought it was rather shit. Now, Switchblade Romance however is the best horror film i've seen in a loooooooong while, and i saw it 4 years ago. It's definitely the best french lesbian horror movie ever made though!
  15. I'm going out with a couple of friend in Birmingham tomorrow night, anyone else wanna join me? lol
  16. Rolled a Draenei Shaman on Alonsus, normal realm but meh, least i don't have to remember to kill what i'm used to calling my comrades. Lvl 10 now, stopped cos of damn RL! *shakes fist*
  17. I ADORE the game! Takes a couple of tries to get into but it's stupidly good fun, the sound's great, and the visuals are stunning. Brilliant for £4.99.
  18. Good, but what about arthouse and small independant films. They can be truely stunning examples of art, where the people making the films do it for the love it not to make money and indeed make little. Surely this alone justifies the need for art critics who express their own subjective views to bring little golden nuggets to the surface of our conscious. I may be going off track here but it all relates to money, box office takings, and number of seats sold not being a valid measure for how good a film is.
  19. Totally agree, it's rediculous to say as long as something's popular and makes money it's fantastic. If this were the case then Harry Potter, Indiana Jones 4 and Star Wars episode 1 are some of the best films ever made. B/S.
  20. I spent £325 on my PS3 with ratchet and clank future, GT5 prologue, an extra sixaxis controller, and casino royale on blue ray. I'm still happy with it.
  21. Aaaaah the young life, when you don't need to save money for bills/food/more bills/going out. Just got given £300 but i can't really spend it as it has to last me through pride and till i get my loan in late september :/ This relates to PS because i'm avoiding buying uncharted. My mate keep going on at me about it so i've got the demo of it again, which didn't impress me when i played it in April. Ho humm. . . Also, i don't feel so guilty about buying the epid D3 package from rosenqueen.
  22. Good luck to everyone ^_^ One of the best nights out i ever had was results day 2 years ago! Started drinking from 11am, didnt stop till 4am the following day! Teh awesomez!! Also, well done to anywho who is on their way to the university of manchester, fucking ace city, amazing university, and lots and lots of attractive students to have fun with ^_^
  23. Me and le UziT are going to be creating alts on alliance side, but we need a decent server, anyone here wanna join in, or know any good PvP (preferably) servers?
  24. Good luck sir! I hate phone companies, they're all bastards! The iPhone has some heft to it, it feels solid. Phones like the LG viewty feel a little cheap, and the touchscreen seem to be more annoying than practical. I find it bizzare how some that have touchscreens have the same menu systems as their non-touch counterparts.
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