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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. I'm surprised you don't have any trophies yet HoTie.
  2. Why is the apprentice such a dick?! Or am i just really shit? All i wanna do is unlock the fucker gah!
  3. I'd be up for that, but the issue is PvP vs normal servers, then Horde or Alliance. I myself like PvP servers now after playing one for the past few months.
  4. My mother has just bought me SuperStardust. I hope it is fun ^^
  5. True, on Genjuros i have a couple of friends who are 10 levels above me since i didnt have the internet for a month (buggers!). So i've been soling the last 8 levels and it's starting to take the fun out a bit.
  6. Wooop! Dinged 41 just with my shadow priesty ^_^ Thinking about changing server though, anyone on a good PvP server?
  7. Awwww, so it's only local online kk thanks
  8. I love the BBC. And people bitch and moan about having to pay a license fee when we get quality stuff like this.
  9. How do you play multiplayer on PJ Eden?
  10. Are you trying to say the reading the WHO have put out aren't accurate and that the air is of a good quality suitable for athletes? I doubt there'll be much WR breaking in the track and field events as a result of the poorer air quality. China needs to give Tibet back their independence. I can understand them not wanting to go the way of Russia with all their former soviet states splintering all over the place, but i feel Tibet should be an exception. While i'm on the subject, i wish Scotland would just get it's independence from the UK so i can stop hearing some Scottish pillock yabbering about it. The fact is Scotland can't survive on it's own. My question is could Tibet?
  11. Preorderd :- And one of three Japanese edition items Cannot wait till it comes!!!
  12. Wooo! Been looking forward to this opening ceremony for the past four years. Ever since the Athens one was as boring as hell, and we were given a taste of China in the Athens closing ceremony. Wooooooo!! Although i hate china's political decissions what with Tibet, and Hong Kong and loads of other things they've done wrong, China is still a country with one of the richest cultures and history on the planet.
  13. ooo yes thanks ^_^
  14. Best diet ever is the WoW diet. Get addicted to world of warcraft and forget about meal times, and just live off chocolate digestives and crisps. Genius!!
  15. I find it funny when people but 'made in the 80s' t shirts and they're 30 odd . . . kinda disturbing . . .
  16. I also agree. People with bad taste shouldn't have ears . . . . Does that make ANY sense whatsoever?!
  17. I don't like wasting chocolate I'm a chocoholic though.
  18. How do you enable spellcheck in firefox 3 like you have in safari? So annoying not having that feature atm.
  19. That too. Heaven = chocolate covered men :P Though i'd have a sore tongue and messy face after a couple of guys
  20. Indeed ^_^ Well, what can i say?! I have a way with words/men/chocolate covered raisins (delete as appropriate)
  21. 2 is more complete, more modes and skin edit for blissed out gaming since you can select the stuff you want. Both are awesome however. 1 has better songs bar heavenly star <3.
  22. Does this thread title change mean Dan has to post pics of him naked? Or wearing hotpants?
  23. Sell your 360 then :P Or just wait till christmas when your loverly generous parents will bestow many expensive gifts upon your young self.
  24. Taken last night cos of Dan's harrassment of my poor sensitive soul.
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