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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. Wish people were so 'aaaaaah' about high scores in PJ Eden as they are about them in this *sigh*. Kinda makes me want a 360 again . . .
  2. On this page is one good video. Well done Paj on posting it! Everyone else, hang your heads in shame at not having my taste in music mwahahahaaaaaa Indeed, if you can call that noise/screaming/shrill sounds/guys-who-shouldve-gone-through-puberty-10-years-ago-still-sounding-like-girls-singing-badly-at-a-sleepover *breathes* music. and love the song ^_^ Also Roisin Murphey - Off and On is sheer awesomeness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTZCnifCkaU
  3. @ £35.99 I just couldnt resist! Really loving the PS3 right now!
  4. Great time to get it since it's just been launched with the platinum range so you can get it brand new for £19.99 ^_^
  5. They seriously need to update the store with a better interface, the current one is far too clunky, and everything should auto download by default!!
  6. I'm staying strong and not buying Rock Band till it's at a reasonable price . . .
  7. Do they have a demo of Siren at all?
  8. I'm totally bumming my PS3 ATM. Between PJ:E and SC IV and with the prospect of the Ratchet and Clank DLC in the next month or so i'm addicted.
  9. Got the game today, just couldn't resist getting my housemates addicted to a game where i could kick their arse . . . however they ended up humiliating me in the first couple of matches since they've totally nerfed Talim, my favorite character from SC II on the GC. Anyone up for some fibre optic PSN play add me to your PSN friends list - Takeo73 :P Finding the boss guy fucking solid with Ivy. Apprentice went down in straight rounds though. GAH!
  10. EPIC game tiny price £4.99
  11. Still playing, lvl 35 with my priest now. Having fun still ^_^ I'm getting more and more excited about WOTLK with every day. Love how Blizz have just splurged out tons of details along with the beta. It's going to be a loooong wait, looooong enough for me to get my priesty to near 70 i hope.
  12. Oh my jebus! PixelJunk Eden is fecking awesome!!! Not have i had this feeling since i first 'got' Lumines on PSP ^_^ Bargain, everyone should get it- i assume ye all will.
  13. Transmission - ultra light simple torrent client Last.FM - The recommended radio has turned me on to soo many artists NetNewsWire - Because, where would we be without an RSS reader that syncs with your iPhone so you never read the same article twice by accident AppZapper - Small, effective, and a cute icon! What more could you want?! As for plugins iScrobbler for iTunes and TwitterFox for Firefox are my faves.
  14. Facebook rules all. Bebo is a joke, and myspace is for emo's who need an ego boost by asking for comments on pics and retarded stuff.
  15. Coffee is minging, i hate malteesers though. Love rasins ^_^
  16. QFT I hate all the 'it depends how far you are from the exchange' bollocks. Does my nut in.
  17. Be online i found great for ADSL last year, and the quality of the internet you get from Virgin Media is outstanding! I'm not getting ADSL again unless i absolutely have to. Plus, i hate BT.
  18. After watching the film last thursday morning, i'm going to see it tomorrow in imax, hope it'll be worth it!
  19. Yet another month of this delicious online game ^_^
  20. I'm a little addicted to Twitter now . . . it's awesomes!
  21. Added all of ye and sent you a quick hi! I'm starting to get addicted to Twitter methinks. Twinkle has made me this way!
  22. Best iPhone twitter app = Twinkle! Fecking awesome!!!
  23. I'm loving the iPhone/Touch apps for twitter. Makes it so much more fun to be able to give out your location or add photos online straight from the iPhone's camera. My twitter is http://twitter.com/karlkempobrien This video may be helpful to Twitter Virgins http://www.commoncraft.com/Twitter
  24. Skinny jeans make me feel sick 90% of the time . . . dunno why, they just look weird. Seriously addicted to take aways! Proper Birmingham curry though, none of that northern or southern wanabes!
  25. 16GB of loverly pur-chased y,day.
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