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Everything posted by Infinete

  1. Pretty hyped for this, got my nostalgia glasses ready for Pokemon Yellow! As for Mew, assuming they don't mess to much with the coding, hopefully the Mew glitch will still work.....As well as MissingNo. Ah, fun times ahead.
  2. I really enjoyed this film. Although I went in with low expectations due to the gap in time between movies. Interested to see how this story pans out!
  3. I think something like a Zelda movie (which would rock) would be a very hard thing to take on. Zelda has such a fan base that every tiny detail would have to be taken into account for perfection... Then there is the story line issue...Probably an OOT, but that is a HUGE game. Which elements do they use? Unless of course its an LOR type movie, split OOT in to 3 parts. Would that work though? LoZ OOT the trilogy... maybe :P Is the storyline movie material though?
  4. ok, so my gf remembers a game back from the old pc, may have come free in a magazine, something along the lines of click and play games. one game seemed to involve romeo climbing up ladders to save juliet, whilst the devil or something throws pies at him. another game has you doing simple maths with hedghogs. also another has you in a toy shop, there is a bouncing ball and you are on a skate board and must avoid a bouncing ball which must knock off the toys on the shelves.... i myself have no clue and cannot find it.... if anyone here has heard of this game or thinks they remember it, any thanks would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
  5. omg thank you so much, ive been searching for that for years -hugs you- :D:D:D:D:D
  6. I have been searching for an old pc game for years now that i used to play. It was around the time of Discworld 1 I believe and of the same genre. It stared a man, i do not remeber much of this game but i do remember that you start in a flat and you must sneak out. to do this you must keep a water bird pushing a tv remote while you climb out of the window. Does this trigger anybody's memory and can anyone tell me the name of this game?
  7. ok, messing around with quake 2, it seems that the type of opengl i use changes the size of the screen, i have almost filled it using a standered opengl, however it is not full, can anyone recomend a very good opengl for download for me to try... thankyou in advance
  8. This was like this before norton, i shall try updating the driver, however, as for newer games... hmm, working pefectly black and white unreal tournament (first one) Works but small screen age of empires 3 (slightly bigger screen not full though) discworld doom 1,2, final doom quake 2 maybe something to do with certain games, both old and new :S
  9. I've been having this problem where certain games do not like to use the full size of my laptop screen (14"/15"), if you look at the screen shots on the links, you will see. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening and how i can resolve it. Thank you for your time, any help much appreciated. Pic 1 my normal latop screen http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e303/infinete/DSCI0023.jpg Pic 2 Playing quake 2, shrunken screen http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e303/infinete/DSCI0022.jpg Edit: it does this with doom as well
  10. i played a game once that involved a click and point on the pc. it onvolved a guy who i think had a vodo doll of himself. at the very begining i remember him having to escape a flat but he cant, as everytime the tv swiches off a guy comes up and moans. you must find a drinking bird to constantly hit the remote to keep the tv on so that you can escape throught the window...can anyone vagley remember this game i seriously cant remember the name of the game. thanks in advance
  11. Final Fantasy Advent Children OK, no real story line, well it does, but its not great, still an amazing film, way better than FF The Spirits Within. Good graphix, amazing fight signs, voices arent great but work, overall 8/10
  12. gender is mangod! rofl, thats an awsome gender to have!
  13. well you have an awesome display pic, kinda eerie but kewl, so that makes you A-OK! http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b318/ashsan/smilies/biggrinsanta.gif
  14. omg, thats gotta be the funniest idea for a funeral i've ever heard, if someone at the funeral happens to have a birthday that day, you could make it a double death/bday bash. on the off chance that i one day die, i'd get hold of a full dead band, i'd be lead and vocalist, i havent decided whiether we are zombies or ghosts yet, but we would play; 1. In the End by Linkin Park 2. When I'm Gone by Eminem 3. The Ballard of Paul K by McFly 4. How Do I Live by Leann Rimes 5. The Day That I Die by Good Charlotte (and because i know people will want an oncour) 6. Adams Song by Blink 182
  15. Unless this has been done before I'd like to find out just what people do in their spare time, i personally go on-line, see my gf play guitar or play comp games. what about everyone else?
  16. To be honest i too would like to live in japan, i have done for a long time, england is a very good country and had i been born elsewhere i may have picked england, but i like change and england is getting a bit boring now, and japan jus has this idk hype, the country seems a lot better on the whole, i supose i would have to visit it first to make sure, the only prob would be a job...maybe i could jus have a holiday home there:P
  17. small 14" tv - £45 music center £30 now i jus need to get some games for my cube lol
  18. Ouch! that's harsh...i think it should be taken individually not on what the parents earn but on what course the student is taking, how far they live and what they would need the money for. not by how much your parents earn.
  19. lol EMA can never seem to get it right, this exact same scenaro happend to me whilei attended both of my years at college, and the stupid form you have to fill in and get signed by every tutor, they KNOW whether or not im absent, so make me annoy my lectures to sign something half do not even feel i should get? and at least you get 30, i only got 20 lol, which i think is retarded, cos jus becuase y parents earn more cash doesnt mean they are gonna give me anymore....lol
  20. hmm the only web comics i read are bunny suicides and 8 bit theatre lol
  21. hmm, quite a lot of pop and rap bands annoy me, mostly "chav" music....chavs also though....not all chavs, jus the rude ignorant ones who think they can do anything and are hard nuts (eventhough they're like half my height....lol) also annoying children who play their music as loud as they can on the bus, so loud that i have to have my mp3 on loud to drown the noise (noise not music).
  22. i believe that Nintendo has something that Sony and Microsoft do not. They have the power to wow an audience with little effort, to captivate the young and the old. Take the Wii for example, It did exactly what Nintendo intended it to do, it brought non-gamers into the market, my brothers girlfriend was even convinced to try i, and yes she may only enjoy Wii tennis, but she now enjoys a Nintendo console. That is what defines Nintendo for me. Their abilty to captivate people. Also i guess their delays to Europe, i mean it cannot be that hard to get it from America to The U.K at least, can it? My favourite series always has and always will be "The Legend Of Zelda" Series. Which brings me to one more point. Nintendo have to ability to come up with the most memorable characters ever. Link, Mario, The Pikmin, Samus Aran, all very well known, more so Mario, i mean who hasn't heard of "Super Mario"?
  23. Hmm...taking this from the view of morality one can ask "is it morally correct to deny one what they seek?" Lord Devlin stated that "nothing should be punished by the law that does not lie beyond the limits of tolerance." However, tolerance should be extended to the maximum individual freedom consistent with the integrity of society. The limits of tolerance are reached at a "real feeling of revulsion", not merely at "dislike" of a practice. The extent to which society will tolerate something changes and adapts from one generation to the next. Take it back say 20/30 years, what is perceived as acceptable today, will more likely than not be perceived as wrong then. (However Devlin does believe that the law should be used to punish immorality the same way it is used to punish anything else) Professor Hart believes that if we are offended by witnessing some act of which we disapprove, that might be considered "harm". However, distress at the mere knowledge that others acting in ways of which we might disapprove cannot be considered as "harm" Therefore taking these two views into account, it comes to the question "is others who are taking these drugs directly harming you?" I believe not. Those who chose to take the drug do so on their own decision. Usually, from what i have gathered, pot is generally smoked in a living room with a few close friends, possibly in front of a T.V screen. How this can really hurt anyone i do not know. I do not take drugs and never will. However, i will not deny someone the right to inhale or digest anything they wish to so long as it is not in front of me, or so long as i am not harmed by it. If it were to be made legal i believe that there would be some hype but the phase would die down and it could be controlled and kept safe. This of course mean that the government would control the strength, however, those who currently do it "illegally" could easily get what they want anyway through their current contacts. If it were made legal they could even create special centres were people could go and get "stoned" in a safe and controlled environment. I do not see much wrong with the stuff, other than it can have long term effects. However, what doesn't have long term effects these days. By the looks of it, nearly everything i do will cause cancer anyway, and i don't even smoke. However, seeing as i do not take the stuff and do not intend to, i am not bothered either way. However i did vote for yes. One more thing, according to the site http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic265.htm. There is "No clear evidence of deaths being caused by uncomplicated cannabis overdose exists; however, mortality may be associated with marijuana-related accidents, cancers, and comorbid substance abuse. Likewise, morbidity figures are complicated by comorbid substance abuse." However according to the same site http://www.ecureme.com/emyhealth/data/Alcohol_Overdose.asp " Alcohol (e.g., beer, wine, whisky, etc.), like any other drug when consumed in excess amounts, can lead to a serious overdose syndrome." So which is more lethal i ask.
  24. This question is for a mate, as we cannot get his stupid doongle to work, even though i thought it was literally a plug an play peripheral, oh well, hopefully you kind people can help, so here we go. i have the wfi dongle for my ds. When i register my ds to the registration tool my name comes up on the computor and it says the registration complete, now testing the connestion. it then makes the green three bar symbol com up on the registration tool and on the ds for a bit untill they both disapear leving me with "error code: 52003 unable to obtain IP Address. Confirm that the Ninteno Wi-Fi USB connector is functioning properly. For help, Visit www.nintendowifi.com" I visit here but to my dismay, it is of little to no help, does any one have any suggestions as to what i can do to solve this dilema? TY in advance
  25. House dust dust which collects in houses is composed of atmospheric dust combined with dust generated by the inhabitants, mostly from sloughed skin cells and fibers from clothing and coverings. House dust mites, often found in fibers like carpets and beds, feed on the organic components of house dust. Their feces, in turn, become part of house dust and can provoke allergic reactions in humans. RRP Recomended retail price, this is the price recomended to a shop to sell a good or service for, although it does not have to be followed, it is reccomended.
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