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Everything posted by Infinete

  1. Cah....lol....its not that we're useless, its that girls are so fussy, if ya buy them something, it will never be what they want, so we dont know what ta buy ya, thats why its best to ask a girl directly what to buy them....lol
  2. i remember this, ive got it on my pc, my cuz gave it to me a while a go, a damn funny but true song, which is probably why its so funny.
  3. trams, they are always full (and i mean everybodys squashed full), yet at every stop more people will try to get on, whats worse is when they have a buggy, i now they have to use the tram, but for god sakes, why a buggy in rush hour, jees is it so much to ask that they put the buggy down before they get on, there's no room for the entire buggy, yet they still try. Also some pop music (actally most pop music), it does my head in....lol (sorry about that mr_odwin, i did read ya post i just didnt proof read mine, sorry...lol)
  4. A boy says to his mother "why do i keep going round in circles", the mother replies "shut up or i'll stapel the other foot down"
  5. dunno when these were realeased, these are just ones that i bought this year; Good Good Charlotte - Chcinicles of life and death Blink 182 - Greates hits Cold Play - Greatest his Gorrilaz - Demon Days Mike Shinoda - Fort Minor (i diont have an albun by ORGY but i highly recomend it, expecially the song fiction)
  6. ok, heres one: a man walks up to a solicitor and asks "how much do you charge"" the solicitor replies "1 grand for 3 questions" The man replys "really?" the solicitor smiles and replys "yes, now whats your third question?"
  7. 1. Legend Of Zelda - Ocorina Of Time 2. Mario Kart Ds 3. Golden Eye 64 4. Pokemon Yellow 5. Legend Of Zelda Majoras Mask
  8. dont start hanging decerations till at least 5 december, latest 10th, but santa will be bringing me an electric guitar and accessaries, and possbly some other stuff.
  9. Cold Play - Speed of sound Linkin Park - paper cut Tenacious D - City Hall
  10. yes this vid is asweome, i wish i had lights like that.
  11. oh right for the pc.
  12. im sorry, am i missing something here, what are you talking about exactly???
  13. alright, cool, seems like a nice place, ill have to check iy out.
  14. thats cool, young padawan, who do you write articles for then?
  15. y what do you do at this time of night?
  16. not sure, i seem to be very energised to day, yet i have not intoxicated my self?
  17. hes realsing a book, when, were, how much.
  18. i dunno i found it funny, but hey i have a wierd sense of humour, also dont worry im leaving the thread making for a while, and i believe its my second today. edit; no wait your right, sorry i guess ive gone over the top point made.
  19. are you? the light bulb is the cheapest thing to run in the entire house, it uses so little power that its unbelieable, also did you no that an evelasting light bulb was made, but the inventer was paid to not realease it. Unbelieveable. although its not really that unbelieveable as the light bulb buisness would become broke over night.
  20. right, considering many people like to insult others, i felt that most people may like this page, i found it quite humourus, expescially the childrens art work bit, but idunno, its up to you, i believe that it is the best damn page ever. http://www.maddox.xmission.com/
  21. I dont think you should take the abuse personally, i mean i find it quite funny reading what people have to say about me, i dont really care if im slaged of, and (hopefully0 im sure that no one really means it. Well mabey some do but its still funny.
  22. With private messages, is there much point as nobody uses it anyway? Edit: Correction ... I just did, but I said it here anyway. I just dont see much point, but then again I dont mind saying what I think. Well not on the internet anyway ... well, yer.
  23. i dunno, i do no that if every light bulb in your house was on all day it would cost ya 12 pence, as they do not cost much, and i do agree that it would get extremly annoying, expecially id it made noises aswell, but that is probably why they have springfield. (no offence to any1)
  24. see, some body understands me.
  25. Y, mario is a lazy fatplumber who does nothing, he moches of the princes for crying out loud, the only game ive ever seen him plum is a gba, and he hit pipes with a hammer and expected it to nwork like magic (which it did some how) also if youve seen rise of the mushroom kingdom, youll see that it is peach who saves the day not mario, at least sonic saves the day, and hes not fat and hes way kewler, just look at his hair.
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