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Everything posted by Infinete

  1. sorry, i was only joking
  2. i dint actually believe in god ii just very very bored and thought that this seemed clever. "If you do not believe in god, then you must believe you were an accident, therefor all of your bthoughts an actions are accidents, including your disbelief in god", what do you think, and do you have any conundrums.
  3. cah, you sure do like to type a lot, but it was interesting.
  4. i have two, from my mothers side, my dads side died within the last couple of years.
  5. i though that it was an amazing film, but dumbledor did seem american to me, but definatley a good movie.
  6. is there something we dont know abou you, i mean do you swing both ways? LOL.
  7. Bottom line is that play.com is getting to expensive, they used to be cheap but now the are almost the same as game.
  8. are you talking about eternal darkness for the cube, i found that such a wierd game, it was good in a freaky ay though, a sthe story line was messed up and the puzzels were hard.
  9. what are they crazy, but i do admit theyve got guts, i could never do something like that, but then again im not crazy, am I?
  10. sorry, but who is katie holmes???
  11. with ds catrirdges though, i do beilieve that a us cannot link up easily with a uk, although it should not mater with maro kart, as it has that global wifi thingy.
  12. Infinete


    soryy about the treble post my pc mucked up
  13. Infinete


    how do you people come up with these crazy but decent inventions?
  14. Infinete


    how do you people come up with these crazy but decent inventions?
  15. Infinete


    how do you people know about these crazy, but decent, inventions?
  16. u 1 lucky person then
  17. i thought i seemed a little famillia
  18. y thankyou...I think, BTW what is your sig based on, it looks kewl, in a twisted christmasy way.
  19. wha, i dont have college on a friday so i didnt actually forget it, LOL, although it would be nice to just forget to attend 1 day, preferably a thurseday.
  20. this is all tru, also gameplay has a wider varity at a much better price :-)
  21. im not dwunk, its the key board, it wont stop ovin i forgot 2 write LOL
  22. WOW, these cards are awsome, whos makin them....WOW!
  23. y hypocrites? also that was kind of u to donate, i would of...except ive got no money.
  24. Infinete


    not that im putting your drink down but will the orange not have rotted away after 44 days?
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