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Everything posted by somme

  1. OK well I've caved and decided to import it. What's the quickest way I can get it? What site delivers the quickest? And where can I get the freeloader from? Thanks!
  2. I liked that episode! I don't waant to have to wait another month though And Rossau getting shot upset me
  3. 4AM + is morning, everything else is night. The tonation you use with the word love defines its meaning.
  4. I liked the new one. mwahaha. Britney..."needs to die".
  5. I want a delorean.
  6. I've never heard of him.
  7. Event Horizon Hadn't seen this since I was a lot younger, it scared back then. Wasn't scary at all this time. Was an interesting sci fi flick though. 6/10
  8. When I lived in Australia, the word Australia was used so much it made me want to hit people. In terms of patriotism, Australia is like an insecure teenager, forever needing to tell themselves they're special or they won't believe it. If Woolworths have their biggest sale of the year its not simply, "Woolworths sale of the year," it's, "Australia's biggest sale of the year...at Woolworths".
  9. Special K.
  10. If you really want to do the course surely you shouldn't care who's there?
  11. If that happened I'd stop going out.
  12. I dunno season 10 was one of the best ones...
  13. Well season 12 has stated in America now, caught the first episode yesterday:
  14. I got season 3 and 6 on DVD, loads of other on tape from when they originallly aired on Sky One...video's do not hold up after 10 years of multiple viewings lol. Will eventually get them all when I get money.
  15. 3. Drug abuse 4. Polluting the environment Two out of seven ain't bad,
  16. Yeah Atlantis is based in Canada so it didn't get affected, but the writing was poor and the end did seem tacked on.
  17. And it's called Continuum. Should be out in July or August.
  18. JP2 was ok...JP3 was quite awful.
  19. Where is the storm meant to hit?
  20. I missed the turn based fighting and giant towns!
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