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Everything posted by somme

  1. About the gender thing. Maybe lift that super mario 2 thing about Birdo.
  2. [REC] is over rated.
  3. I haven't watched this and never will.
  4. I liked The Cell, I liked the imagery.
  5. I had a argument with Davina McCall. I spotted her in my town and thought I'd say hello and she was awfully rude so I kept pestering her to get my own back. We ended up having a massive row which reached it's peak when I yelled at her; "You've had like seven kids you must have a very saggy vagina!" Then we made up and she told me how she was going to get some coke next week. But then wouldn't tell me anymore details as she was scared I was going to tell the press.
  6. Ooop I meant to say I wasN'T offended. lol. Hopefully the ":P" put that accross. lol. Personally I just feel there's much more to accomplish in life than, "settling down". Or in most cases just "settling".
  7. I was offended :P I was simply taking love isn't the be all and end all, which I don't think it should be. (And yes I do believe people if they say they're happy to be with me.)
  8. I don't mind the Saw movies, they are interesting. The third one was the worst, I liked the fourth one and it's cliffhanger ending.
  9. Funnily enough I'm not "damaged" at all, lol. And I take compliments very well. I just don't want or need a relationship and can't be bothered to make an effort to get to know someone in that way to actually get to the relationship stage. I'm far too busy.
  10. That's not true. Did it once, it was good but as all things it ended. Love is a chemical/hormonal imbalance. If it is allowed to fully run it's course, (which is hardly ever does these days) it still runs out and you're either left with a good friendship/routine or divorce/seperation. There's more to life than a monogamous relationship. Humans weren't meant to be monogamous anyway, it's only modern society that tells we should. I would say if you partake in any form of penile penetration; fucking or being fucked.
  11. I saw the Blair witch project when it was still being marketed as real footage.
  12. I'm glad that they killed off Roussau now. I would have hated her to have had to go through seeing her daughter die, shortly aftering being reuinited with her. At least this way she had a meaningful death. This episode was jam-packed full of stuff. Hurley's line stood out to me as well. It's kind of obvious in a way as they all left Australia, had they not, they wouldn't have been on the island in the first place, so it is the key. But this most means something else as well.
  13. I haven't been in a relationship for about...3 years? Can't really remember. I just really hate gay men. lol.
  14. Some homosexuals are intelligent - most are more interested in when Madonna's next song is being released.
  15. I guess I prefer this to the other two as I actaully finished this one. You'll never get the "jaw-dropping" moments in sequals, it doesn't mean they're not better games though. Had MP3 been released first you would probably have preferred it over the others.
  16. Yeah Daisy seems like she'd be more adventurous in bed...then again it's always the quiet ones
  17. Stargate: Continuum Well I'm excited. Trailer - http://www.gateworld.net/video/newsandfeatures/1208754002.shtml
  18. American Dad - All Episodes Much better than Family Guy. More offbeat and less reliant of random jokes. Guess they hired more mannetees. And Rodger the alien has the best lines.
  19. 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead are much better zombie movies. 28 Days Later purely as it was the first zombie movie (that I remember) where they could run. I didn't really like the ending of [Rec]
  20. I still haven't picked this back up after the first weekend I had it. Maybe I'll start again.
  21. [Rec] I thought the way the zombies were portrayed was interesting, and the final scene was OK, but overall I didn't find it scary and didn't think it was anything special. The setting was a good idea though. 6/10
  22. I still need a copy of Wii Play, it was sold out when I got my Wii so just bought another Wiimote on its own.
  23. I thought everyone dreamt in colour? Can't say I've ever really thought about that. But yeah I've read in my dreams.
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