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Everything posted by somme

  1. Bones - Season 3 - Episode 14 Some stalker woman gets attached to Booth and she shoot hims. Ends on a cliffhanger. 8/10
  2. Best chat up line.... "get in the van".
  3. A couple of friends and I were discussing the other night that if Placebo had not entitled their forth album "sleeping with ghosts" and had instead called it "sleeping with kids" they may have gotten better exposure.
  4. I'm still feeling quite old as I don't know any of the acts on...
  5. I found Maddy McCann. She was loitering outside a boarded-up Toys'R'us mumbling the word ketamine.
  6. I watched an old party tape with friends last night (we used to tape our parties so we could remember them) that featured my ex-boyfriend. it was just over 3 years ago...about 3 years and 2 weeks. He's the last boyfriend I had. It was a strange feeling. I didn't exactly miss him...or being with anyone. It was just odd.
  7. I don't buy petrol from either Esso or BP anyway.
  8. I hope Claire isn't dead but she probably is.
  9. They look like they should be the cast of a lower budget C.S.I.
  10. I was recording some bass earlier. my fingers got blistered.
  11. somme


    Unless the Wii version is lacking anything...I'll get that one. My computer is probably too slow to play it anyway - that problem won't happen on the Wii mwaha.
  12. My day has been painful. Been recording demo album three and been recording bass tracks. i've got blisters on my fingers. I don't normally play bass.
  13. Well I didn't really like Arrested Development, although haven't had a chance to watch more than 2 or 3 episodes...and I haven't seen any of the others...nor heard of them.
  14. I thought Weezer split up, (again). Or they get back together, (again)?
  15. I don't understand why different interpretations of the same show need to exist at all. To be honest they're not even "interpretations" but more cheap copies with a few "new ideas" mixed in. Just make a whole new show.
  16. I hated the US Office and I actually dislike most American comedy. Friends is OK...but only because I grew up with those characters so it has nostalgia attached to it. Funnily enough I find the lead actress in Bones funnier than most American comedy.
  17. Much prefer their new album, "Midnight Boom". My favourite album of the year. Very "2008".
  18. Are they still around? I've go the original version of "Day by Day" from some peoplesound.com compilation album they were on before they were signed.
  19. Farscape - Episode 1 and 2 Well now I've nearly finished going through all of Star Trek:TNG and I've already finished watching Lexx I though I'd find myself a new show to watch. Having seen Browder and Black in the last two seasons of SG-1 I was already familiar with two of the lead actors. The pilot and second episode are fun, am looking forward to see where the show goes.
  20. I was flying at a moderate speed in a speed the other day and then became lucid, then I decided to go really fast. Twas fun, I could even feel the wind!
  21. Should I translate? "There is thin line between a comody and a horror. i film some might be scared of might amuse another. know what i mean - the decent" There is a thin line between comedy and horror. A film some might be scared of will amuse others. Know what I mean? (For example, "The Descent".)
  22. I've wanted Gremlins 3 for years! That advert was great, especially with the theme tune kicking in.
  23. There is absolutely no one I would want to see. lol
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