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Everything posted by somme

  1. Finally cleared all star with all of the characters, took forever.
  2. Buying an American version won't help in anyway though, especially if you're the only one doing it.
  3. A story mode? It's a racing game that's a little excessive I think. Mario Kart doesn't need a big overhaul, it's a good solid multiplayer game, that's all it's ever been.
  4. You'll never get your way.
  5. Never argue with people who take drugs. At the end of the day they've most likely researched heavily what they put into their bodies and have the added knowledge of what it actually does. And the American government use mind altering drugs to try and induce remote viewing. And a lot of people have used drugs as a means of reaching some sort of enlightenment, as drugs have often been described as, "opening the mind". Which they can do.
  6. The only one I've ever completed is too. The others I always run out of ammo and die. I've never liked resorting to guides for resident evil games, sucks all the fun out.
  7. Sounds like ketamine. I had a similar expeience on K. Never drink lots of booze and then do special k, it only ever ends in vomit and thinking that the bowel of a toilet is the only thing that exists.
  8. What is salvia? I misread to start with and though you said saliva..
  9. This is the script for a pilot my writer companion and I finished a month or two ago. It's entitled Prison Trek and we sent a copy to the BBC's "writer's room". Have to wait up to four months for a responce. Let me know what you think: http://pete.headcounter.co.uk/prison_trek_e_version.pdf
  10. Kid Icarus is a masterpiece.
  11. Same - I've got 86%, but completed it the first time in just over 7 hours.
  12. I'm not a fan of weed, i much prefer cocaine.
  13. I suppose one thing it'll have over brawl (for me anyways) is i don't know any of the secret characters..
  14. lol Both the last two episodes were quite good.
  15. I found the whip and the cage easy but the pulses horrific.
  16. Cleared Classic with everyone, took a while. Not lookng forward to doing them all on intense, that won't be easy.
  17. They should defo get rid of coppers now. We don't need them.
  18. Gattaca is very good.
  19. A space kid? As in a Jetson?
  20. I was plastic notes like Australia, much nicer.
  21. Is there any point in discussing spoiler tagging rumours?
  22. 10. Resident Evil: Remake I always wanted to own Resident Evil but never owned a playstation, so I was overjoyed when it was finally time for a proper Resident Evil title to grace its gory self upon the Gamecube. It looked beautiful and played wonderfully. I did not however. Constantly running out of ammo and too scared to venture further forward I gave up quite quickly. I always want to go back and play again but for some reason I never quite manage it. 9. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem This game scared me. A lot. The sanity meter was quite revolutionary and possibly the best feature about ED. More often than not I would get drunk, turn off all the lights, lose my sanity and see what happened. I want a sequel please. 8. Mario Kart: Double Dash This instalment of the Mario Kart franchise was...OK. More often than not I found myself playing alone as my friends much preffered its predecessor, Mario Kart 64 - as did I. The single player was solid, although infuriating when playing a lighter kart and getting knocked off the edge at a pivital moment. 7. Super Mario Sunshine Again, a solid game but not as good as it's predecessor. The inclusion of F.L.U.D.D. was a good feature although not something I would want to return again. The story was...average, mainly due to the all-too-sudden entrance of Bowser Jr and no mention of Bowser's other seven children. I never did collect every shine sprite and I probably never will. 6. Pikmin A great start to a great new franchise. I loved every aspect of this game and completed it several times. Even now I find myself going back to it every so often. Unlike most fans I actually liked the 30-day limit, which, in my opinion gave it a sense of urgency and therefore more challenging. 5. Luigi's Mansion The first game I bought on the Gamecube. Often described as too short but in my book this game needn't have been any longer, if it had it would have dragged. Due to the score system and constant want to get a bigger and bigger house upon completion I sometimes find myself playing this all the way through even now. 4. Animal Crossing A game I wanted so much I imported it from Australia as it looked as though Europe wasn't getting a release date. I tried explaining this game to many people but it never came off sounding as good as it actually was...and still is. I eagerly await the Wii version. 3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Wow. The graphics. Brilliant. I loved everything about this game bar the length, it needed to be longer. The story enveloped me, as did the new Link and the world he lived in. I almost never tired of sailing, and when I did I simply used the much-loved warp function. I would love a proper home-console sequel to this but alas it may never be. 2. Metroid Prime Having played but never owned previous Metroid incarnations, "Metroid Prime" was one of my most anticipated titles of the Gamecube era. When it finally came it failed at nothing. It was visually stunning and captivated my attention for days, weeks, and months on end. I've since gone back to play it numerous times, and always enjoyed it. 1. Super Smash Bros. Melee The reason I bought a Gamecube. This was, and is, my most played Gamecube game ever. Whether friends were round or not I constantly played this game until my thumbs swelled and cried through over-use. Gaming at it's best.
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