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Everything posted by somme

  1. Don't watch Spun then. I'd give that movie 9/10 as well.
  2. I had another lucid dream earlier, was quite wierd. At the beginning I couldn't see anything, but could hear music. (PJ Harvey) To start with the song sounded normal, completely normal in fact, I obviously know the song very well. Then I heard Placebo's, "song to say goodbye" but I was remixing it in my head, was awesome, lol. Then I thought I woke up, it was really vivd. But I hadn't, then I woke up again. That's the first time that's ever happened. It was quite strange.
  3. I've fallen down holes suddenly in dreams and then sat upright in bed.
  4. Requiem for a Dream is one of my favourite films. I can relate to the mother. I had a fridge that would often scream at me.
  5. ^ That was sleep paralysis. I had it once and thought there was someone in my room, some sort of ghost or evil spirit. But I found out this is a pretty common occurance. Apparently you can also find it hard to breathe and feel as though something is pushing down on your chest.
  6. More often than not people wake themselves up due the excitement of realising you can control pretty much anything you want.
  7. I used to wake up as soon as I knew I was dreaming, last night was the first proper time I was able to continue it going for a fair while. I think the first time was about half an hour, but the other two times were shorter. All three took place in the same place, a club I worked in, in Australia. However it was a little wrong, for example there was a room where the staircase should have been. But I said to myself, "That's wrong". So I blinked and changed it into stairs, quite satisfying,
  8. That's sleep paralysis. I've had that too - scary, but once you know whats happening..it's interesting. Last night the two sort of combined, I realised I was dreaming, but for some reason wanted to make sure I could wake up, so I tried opening my "real" eyes, (it's hard to explain), but I couldn't, then I felt paralysed, then tried again and succeeded.
  9. From wikipedia, (and any other website on lucid dreaming): A lucid dream, also known as a conscious dream, is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.
  10. Lucid Dreaming - knowing you're dreaming and be able to control what happens in dreams. I managed to do this last night by accident, but then realised how I managed to do it and did it again another 2 times. The dreams didn't last long though. I shall have to try and make them last longer. It's a hell of a lot of fun. Any one else ever had a lucid dream?
  11. St. Trinians Never seen the old one. I don't like children...but thought this movie was pretty good. Uplifting and modern. 8/10
  12. I have a hang over now...I don't want it.
  13. I like shaking babies whilst smoking.
  14. I shake babies.
  15. Lost - Season 1 Whilst waiting for episode 9 of season 4 I decided to go back to the beginning, as I haven't done since the show began. The first season was very different to the rest, then again every season has had a different vibe for me. 1st, very beachy, 2nd, industrial, 3rd, cagey, 4th, not sure yet. There was storylines I'd forgotton about which I hope they cover before everything is said and done. The numbers for one. Watching it back reminded me how much I miss Shannon. I liked her character, especially when she developed more in season 2.
  16. The swirling pit is awful. Throwing up bile is nasty, especially the taste.
  17. I never really watched Angel..or Buffy, but I did see him a few times in those two and think he made the progression to lead of Bones quite well.
  18. Bones I really like this show. I agree with all of the main characters (Temperence Brennan) opinions. The characters are intelligent and well written. The chemistry between all the characters is very good. And the actual crimes are more interesting than other crime shows.
  19. I just meant that if you're not especially close to them you probably won't see them again after college, maybe occasionally if you bump into them. But they won't be in your life so why would you care what they thought of you when you were in school? You'll continue to meet new people after college, and it's their lives you'll have the bigger impact on.
  20. If you don't care enough about them to want them to know, why do you care how they 'remember' you?
  21. This rule doesn't apply to Cruel Intentions 2 and 3 does it? I don't want to watch those as I know they'll only ruin the first one.
  22. You obviously haven't seen either show enough,. There are dozens of actors that return as different characters. Apparently this is because there aren't a lot of actors in vancouver or something. And I don't think season 6 and 7 are really anything like the earlier seasons, especially 1 and 2.
  23. God would apparently cry at this thread so no...I don't think many of us to look for love in God.
  24. I wasn't that keen on F Zero GX, much preferred the N64 version. Weapons sounds interesting though.
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