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Everything posted by somme

  1. playing online is fun - now i am peeved about no ranking system, although still don't cae about voice chat. it's funny when people resort to using Ike to try and beat you but still fail. lol Target lvl 4 is evil with lucario, took me a while, although i was quite drunk at the time.
  2. I just want a new animal crossing. with tonnes of things to do! a whole town brimming with life.
  3. Anyone interested in this? I've been waiting for a Stargate game for...well about ten years. This looks good, let's hope it plays good as well.
  4. And the end of the day it's always better to have too many options and just not use them.
  5. I want the freedom to choose and a cheaper multiplayer so im happy about all those control options.
  6. yeah i worked that out. :P
  7. I don't know about everyone else but mines working fine. Never had to put the freeloader in more than once to get it to work or anything. Never frozen either. It does take some gentle persuasion to get the cd out of the Wii however.
  8. I thought it went on too long and was a tad anticlimactic.
  9. Woo it came! 4382-1958-7748 Got all the characters except Wolf. That SSE was very long. Was really good to start with. The maze ruined it.
  10. I'm barred from a wetherspoons for leaving without any notice. and the manager doesn't like me, stupid militant lesbian. lol
  11. Hopefully my copy will get here tomorrow. Let's hope Royal Mail are nice and do their job.
  12. Someone obviously made her laugh. lol
  13. I downloaded the third season. It's good! I think I prefer the second season but that could be due to the fact I've watched the third non stop for a while lol.
  14. So what does everyone think the worst thing about the game is?
  15. I noticed that too. That's one of my favourite tracks so I'm gladc that's in there!
  16. I ordered it at least 2 hours ago and it's not here yet. lol
  17. Teal'c is possibly the most important Jaffa to have ever lived.
  18. You are a pescetarian if you eat fish but no other meat.
  19. And it's ordered! Soon I shall be brawling with the rest of you.
  20. Dogs! Cats hate me.
  21. Might go with ebay. I'm not paying anyways, mwahaha. So it can be as expensive as it wants to be, as long it gets here soon.
  22. I think the real question is, would anyone ever eat human?
  23. I had a lvl 70 Blood Elf Paladin on Aggramar. I quit ages ago though.
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