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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. That's why sega was doing that all the time. To show a different image of GB. Oh and there's one (not remember which is, but make a search with sega) advertisement of mega cd that said: "Don't you have a mega cd yet?? What are you waiting for?? Nintendo to make one??"
  2. You need to watch this one great times of battles yeah http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=884 and check these ones too. I'm not sure this could be done nowadays.... http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=883 http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=867 http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=866
  3. Not sure that works but.....That's a way to turn realistic a star wars game....
  4. Whwn will the simpsons abandon the charts??? I can't believe they are still there...=s
  5. IGN talked to mad katz and they confirmed that they will produce products for Revolution, with a lot of different peripherals and special pads to play the virtual console: "Nintendo is obviously stressing its Virtual Console service. Can we expect to see Mad Catz NES, SNES or N64 controllers for Revolution as well? The library of Nintendo games being offered via the Virtual Console is impressive. Mad Catz will support these games with our core controllers and investigation into retro controller shells is currently under way." The whole inteview can be found here: http://revolution.ign.com/articles/678/678646p1.html
  6. I'm at school since today, but fortunately I don't have any exams at the moment.only at the middle of february.I'll start studing one week before the exams:)
  7. That's the point. No one is sure about the meaning of a fourth dimention. But most believe it is the time.
  8. They said they hope to release worldwide in a few weeks, but not in the same day. They have mentioned the maximum of weeks but I can't remember right now.
  9. Fantastic job. I hope you do something like that again. merry christmas:santa:
  10. be with my girl....finally:bouncy: oh and zelda and revo of course
  11. But could we play games from sega systems???? or the ones that appeared in the nintendo systems from sega?? Because the virtual console is not supose to emulate any sega system....=S
  12. Yeah I was going to post this right now:) I believe this is true and I'm a lot more excited about the 3rd secret feature from now.
  13. Well they updated the blog with something to finish all the speculation.They said : "The only thing we can confirm at the moment again, Nintendo will announce new detail regarding their upcoming console Nintendo Revolution late January or early February. Meanwhile we’ve decided to put this blog on hold and come back directly after Nintendo announced the new details. We hope this will stop all the bashing/flaming some have been doing and contribute to our credibility."
  14. I'v been thinking about this way to play a race game but....can we really do that with the controller? and if we are a little tired and can't gat the car going straight?? I really hope to see this working 'cause play Mario Kart will get us veeeery tired:bouncy:
  15. Table tennis:bouncy: it's hard to put effect in tha balls but I think it is possible with this controller.I would buy it:)
  16. But this blog looks that is not fake.we all know nintendo has the habit to hide everything and a game "made by us" would be cool. Just leave your ideias in that. If it's false than we all can laugh at the work they have typing all that. But I believe it's true.
  17. But who could they put the controllers reacting to others sabres? there's no way to do that (maybe a small device that sends electric things that interfere with our nerves making stop the controller in the air.....ok stop dreaming )
  18. The para-olimpics one is fabulooooous
  19. It's getting better...great great work. I'm more excited to see the rest of this, than any 360...
  20. AHAhah GREAT STUFF.:bounce:
  21. Great pic.Now I undestand why he made that signal with is hand...He was calling rooney
  22. Great. Can't wait for next one:)
  23. I'm afraid to see how will they put MK in the controller...I hope they don't ruin the gameplay since it is one of the best things in the series.
  24. Some clothes and probably WWe: DOR2. I need to start gathering money for zelda:)
  25. Great great work. I loved the sixth one... PAIN:) Keep the good work.
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