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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. TAKI rules yeah (she's got the move) lol she is the faster to avoid and attack.not too powerful but i don't care.
  2. they had promised something good..if they reaaly worked hard they could have done an amazing rpg (gba-alike) that would have great numbers in sales.now this is only a bad move to take money from PKMN fans (and the worst is that it works...).
  3. loooool Don't be bad....
  4. that's their ideia :wink: and who knows if ninty is looking at their mock ups searching for ideas??lol :lmao:
  5. Counter strike and UT and metroid of course:)
  6. But a simple light gun would fit perfectly in a counter strike game.lol I really hope to see lots of fps and a great UT in REv.
  7. The cover looks realy cool...I mean...Sexy looool
  8. Gun, Pkmn XD, WWE:DOR2, Spartan.... Which one will be my christmas game??? I'm so indicise....=s
  9. For me is there's only one: SHEIK I love her agility and speed.I don't let oponents to reach the floor yeah =P
  10. Tales of symphonia (its looooong) bust a move 3 (saturn, lolololol) and mario kart and ssmb with friends.oh and soul calibur 2 yeah
  11. I just play in these: Starfox ship Pokemon stadium Final destination the other one are either too small and with too much movement, lol.
  12. I never said that. and even if it has the same power of cube it wouldn't matter 'cause I 'd buy it. However it's always important to know what the console can do and the release date its not too far away(I hope )
  13. Only Ninty to put their fans in love with a console which has only its pad and a few details shown. Still no specs?
  14. I'm lovin it!!!!!!! BTW Have you already realised that any "image from my cousin who knows a guy whose father works at ninty" is near the truth? but I'd like to listen some hardware specs of rev....They put us looking at the controller but when we'll listen what's still missing?
  15. What's the best site to see the info coming? IGN? Gamespot? We'll have to wait the 50min keynote to know anything??
  16. The new look is cool, but I'd prefer the old colour. And I liked a lot the comments of news instead of forums........ And cube is a lot cooler than revo..... anyway, just continue the fabulous work.
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