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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. The girls look cute (but fleur actress seems to have a lot more years than in the book:(), but I still hate potter movies. It looks like they are always running to make all the "interesting" scenes of the books.... And there are plenty of things that they change in the films. The books are great (and the 4th is probably the best) but the films as a book adaptation are crap.... just a good fantasy movie to save all the money losses that are hapening in the cinema industry.
  2. The controller is great, but I'm still concerned that we need to be always pointing to tv....even if we don't get our arms tired I'm not used to be always with the controller in the same direction. (that's why I prefer to play consoles.) I only like to see this controller in a fps/rts game but I'm really concerned about the other types of games...I hope to be wrong
  3. I love a lot of portuguese bands that I'd recomend to all of you to listen´. Rock greenday foo fighters system of a down franz ferdinand the killers gorillaz guano apes hot hot heat incubus korn kaiser chiefs muse offspring oasis all american rejects the bravery metallica bloc party coldplay k-os xutos e pontapes (PT) tara perdida (PT) Blind Zero (PT) The gift (PT) easyway (PT) mesa(PT) hip-hop da weasel(PT) boss ac(PT) serial(PT) expensive soul(PT) reggae gentleman patrice sir giant(PT) cool hipnoise(PT) disco, dance, trance.... and similars:) plaza (PT) loto (PT) fishespooner chemical brothers jamiroquai blasted mechanism(PT) dj vibe (PT) other formats jack johnson james blunt donavon frankeinreiter alanis morisette pearl jam nirvana
  4. too much... (15 char......)
  5. I never liked this mag, but is sad to see a gcn magazine disapearing....Well I hope NGC will continue for long years.
  6. well what my school mates say me is that rev sucks....the real problem to nintendo is to change this stupid idea.And I believe it will be done.
  7. no more split screen...that would be nice. actually and I can't understand how will the controller work in multiplayer games such as mario kart or smash bros. ....
  8. Since it is not Futurna.... Maybe.....N wand.....nope
  9. Pics like that made me cry.....and buy a GC
  10. I voted Fox. It's my favourite in....SSBM lool and it's preety cool so;)
  11. I'd like to know if PS2's resi4 will beat the gamecbe version....more than 1 milion right?
  12. stop being so negative.... well I'm at 17 and I'm loving this game.15 and 16 were brilliant :P
  13. I've seen series 1 and 3 and I loved it.It's a great action series, but I think it's a bit irrealist with all that stuff happening just in 24 hours....
  14. Gamecube Sleep and be with girlfriend:)
  15. I just finished the game for the 1st time now, but it only left around 40 hours...Have I left too much to do? In the box it says 80 hours...
  16. The same for me and double dash.
  17. Just these few... -Beach Spikers -Rayman3 -ISS2 -Agressive inline -Super Monkey Ball -Sega Soccer Slam -Metroid Prime -Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes -Super Mario Sunshine -Super Smash Bros. -Eternal Darkness -Mario Kart: Double Dash -Paper Mario -Tales of Symphonia -The legend of zelda: windwaker (limited) -Resident Evil 4 -Donkey Konga -Waverace -Pikmin -F-Zero GX oh and what I always prefered at Nintendo was the fun we got with multiplayer. And even with one friend who owns a GC we have lots of fun, with our brothers and sisters:)
  18. but isn't that already in games? In Mario Sunshine it worked well....I can't see what can they imagine that doesn't exist already....
  19. That is an interesting explanation but could you explain better how does it works? how can we never lose the viewpoint...? I don't get it....
  20. well there is still one surprise...but we all know nintendo.only when they show we can believe in it.until then let's wait and play a lot more GC
  21. metroid prime 3 belongs to a trilogy.of course won't be many diferences besides of the controller.
  22. Futurna looks fake....and I can't believe this patent is to use with REV since there already a lot of games being made, without using this....I think....
  23. I prefer prime jogability instead of classic console fps...it's a great game.
  24. amazing good news.but could that graphic comparasion means that they won't use that special 3d ?? I hope not....
  25. I'd really apreciate that, if you you don't mind:)
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